巴蜀明珠 中华强县——记四川省十强县双流县

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双流县位于川西平原东南缘。改革开放以来,双流县以县域经济持续、高速腾飞,两个文明建设协调、稳步发展而享誉巴蜀大地,县级综合实力居全国百强县之一,四川省十强县之首。双流县紧靠成都,县城东升镇是成都市的卫星城,距成都市市区中心仅16公里,距双流国际机场仅2公里。全县幅员面积1068平方公里,辖26个乡(镇),总人口84万,其中农业人口71万。县内平原、丘陵兼备,土地肥沃,气候温和,雨量充沛,河道众多,属都江堰灌区,水利资源、物产资源均十分丰富。党的十一届三中全会以来,双流县坚决贯彻、执行党的改革开放政策,积极探索适合自身实际、具有自身特点的发展路子,以坚持改革推动事业更新,以大开放促进大发展,在两个文明建设中不断开创出更新更好的局而。1996年,双流县国内生产总值达38亿元 Shuangliu County is located in the southeast edge of plain. Since the reform and opening up, Shuangliu County has enjoyed a sustained and rapid economic development in the county economy. The two civilizations are well-known for their coordinated and steady development. The comprehensive strength of the county is one of the top 100 counties in the country and the first among the top ten counties in Sichuan Province. Shuangliu County is close to Chengdu and the county town of Dongsheng is a satellite city in Chengdu, only 16 kilometers away from downtown Chengdu and only 2 kilometers away from Shuangliu International Airport. The county covers an area of ​​1068 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 26 townships (towns), the total population of 840,000, of which agricultural population 710,000. County plains, both hills, fertile land, mild climate, abundant rainfall, many rivers, Dujiangyan Irrigation District, water resources, natural resources are very rich. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Shuangliu County resolutely implemented and implemented the party’s policy of reform and opening up, actively explored ways of development suited to its own reality and its own characteristics, insisted on reform and promoted the updating of its cause, and promoted the great development through opening up. In the course of building two civilizations, we have continuously created newer and better offices. In 1996, Shuangliu County’s GDP reached 3.8 billion yuan
涨水之后,对鱼儿来说是个欢快的日子。由于河水猛涨,大量食物被冲刷到水里鱼儿,可以尽情地享受这『天上掉下来的馅饼』,而每每这时,也是钓鱼人大显身手的好时机。 After the
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