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2008年5月12日,爆发了里氏8.0级汶川特大地震,120多秒内,形成了南起康定,北至青川,呈北东—南西走向的长约300km、宽约30km的破裂带,当时山崩地裂,秀美河山被疯狂撕扯,无数生灵瞬间淹没于碎石瓦砾之中.由于四川复杂的地质地貌条件和丰沛水系,这次地震诱发了大量的崩塌、滑坡、泥石流和堰塞湖等山地灾害.极震区有明显危害和威胁的堰塞湖34个,其中唐家山堰塞湖为震后最大的山地次生灾害,严重威胁下游沿岸城镇、村庄、水利水电设施和100余万人生命财产安全,是震后抢险的重中之重.清华大学水利水电工程系部分师生不畏艰险,始终奋战在抗震抢险第一线,为唐家山堰塞湖抢险提供水文预报和决策咨询服务等,对肖家桥堰塞湖进行现场踏勘,获得了翔实的第一手资料.目前正在深入开展有关堰塞体的几个具有挑战性的关键力学问题研究.首先,堰塞体形成机制问题,亦即地震诱发的崩塌和巨型滑坡填充河道的动力过程;其次,堰塞体的溃决机制问题,除了关心泻流时下游洪峰流量外,更关注堰塞体的冲刷过程,以及砾石、块石等大粒径滑坡堆积物构成的堰塞体蠕变和变形机理等.这些问题正是侧重机理研究的颗粒物质力学的主要研究内容之一.由于堰塞体颗粒组成复杂,基于唯象描述的土力学和散体力学显然不适合堰塞体力学行为的基础研究. On May 12, 2008, an 8.0-magnitude Richter Wenchuan earthquake erupted. Within 120 seconds, a rupture zone of about 300 km in length and 30 km in width was formed from north to Qingchuan in the south and from north to south. At that time, landslides, beautiful rivers and mountains were ripped madly, countless creatures instantly submerged in the gravel rubble. Due to the complex geology and geomorphology and abundant water system in Sichuan, the earthquake triggered a large number of landslides, landslides, mudslides and dammed lakes There are 34 dammed lakes with obvious hazards and threats in the extremely shock zone, of which Tangjiashan dammed lake is the largest mountainous secondary disaster after the earthquake, which seriously threatens the coastal cities and towns, villages, water conservancy and hydropower facilities and over 1 million people Life and property safety, is the most important after the earthquake.Qinghua University Department of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering some teachers and students defied hardships and dangers, has always been fighting the first line in earthquake rescue, hydrological forecast and decision-making advisory services for the Tangjiashan barrier lake emergency And so on, the Xiaojiaoqiao dammed lake on-site reconnaissance, access to detailed first-hand information is currently being carried out in depth about the dam body of several challenging key mechanics issues.First of all, weir body formation mechanism to ask Second, the failure mechanism of barrier body, in addition to concern about downstream flood peak flow, more attention to the barrier body scouring process, as well as gravel, block Stone and other large-size landslide deposits constitute the body of the creep and deformation deformation mechanism, etc. These problems are focused on the mechanism of particle mechanics one of the main research.Because the barrier body composition of the complex particles, based on the phenomenal description The mechanics of soil and bulk mechanics is apparently not suitable for the basic research of the mechanical behavior of dam body.
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