
来源 :航空军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyl1n
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空军爱卫会第38次全体委员会议于2000年8月28日上午在京召开。会议总结了“九五”期间空军爱国卫生工作基本情况。“九五”期间,空军开展的创建等级卫生单位活动,带动了部队整体卫生建设,93.4%的单位达到等级卫生单位标准;健康教育和健康促进活动,促进了卫生行为养成,系统性健康教育覆盖率超过90%;“爱国卫生月”活动,改善了部队卫生面貌,驻大中城市的团以上单位普遍进入爱国卫生先进行列;卫生监督和疾病监控,提高了生活卫生质量,部队各项发病指标均低于全军要求;爱国卫生工作在抗洪抢险、国庆阅兵和军事演习中发挥了重要作用,有效地控制了疾病的发生,保证了各项重大任 Air Force Ai Wei Society 38th Plenary Session was held in Beijing on August 28, 2000 morning. The meeting summed up the basic situation of patriotic health work during the Ninth Five-year Plan period. During the Ninth Five-year Plan period, the creation of a hierarchy of health units conducted by the Air Force led to the overall health construction of the armed forces and 93.4% of the units reached the standard of health units at a level. Health education and health promotion activities promoted the development of health behaviors and systematic health education Coverage of more than 90%; “Patriotic Health Month” activities to improve the military health outlook, units in large and medium-sized cities generally enter the patriotic group of advanced health; health surveillance and disease monitoring, improve the quality of life and health, the armed forces of various incidences Indicators are lower than the requirements of the army; patriotic health work in the flood and rescue, the National Day military parade and military exercises played an important role in effectively controlling the occurrence of the disease, to ensure that the major
There are always two interest communities in the foreign trade industrial chain: purchasers and suppliers.If it is an essential condition for China’s garment f
摘要由胡海泉作词、秦天作曲的歌曲《蚕》,引起了社会强烈的反应,更受到国内外音乐界的关注。笔者也颇有感触,回顾中国民歌的发展和创新之路,步步艰辛。本文将结合这首歌曲,从唱法、歌词和伴奏配器的创新上,来谈谈中国民歌的艺术创新。  关键词:《蚕》 创新 唱法 歌词 伴奏配器  中图分类号:J64 文献标识码:A    中国民歌历史悠久、源远流长,远在原始时期,民歌伴随着人们的语言和集体劳动而产生和发展。