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2016年,是中俄双方宣布发展平等信任、面向二十一世纪的战略协作伙伴关系20周年,也是《中华人民共和国和俄罗斯联邦睦邻友好合作条约》签署15周年。借此之机,中俄两国举办了“合作-2016”中俄联合反恐演练,此次演练促进了中国武警部队与俄罗斯国民近卫军之间的军事合作交流,加深了相互了解和信任,对提高中俄共同应对国际恐怖主义威胁,遂行联合反恐行动能力,维护地区及世界和平、安全与稳定具有重要战略意义。本文作者作为中方队员参加了这次演练,并以尤出色的军事技能获得“优秀队员”称号。应本刊之约,他撰文从方方面面为我们展现这一演练—— In 2016, it marks the 20th anniversary of the announcement of the development of equal trust and the strategic cooperative partnership between China and Russia in the 21st century and the 15th anniversary of the signing of the “Treaty of Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation.” Taking this opportunity, China and Russia held the “Sino-Russian Joint Counter-Terrorism Drill” entitled “Cooperation-2016”. The exercise promoted the military cooperation and exchange between the Chinese Armed Forces and the Russian National Guard, deepening mutual understanding and Trust and are of strategic importance to enhancing the joint threat against international terrorism between China and Russia, implementing the joint anti-terrorist capabilities and safeguarding regional, world peace, security and stability. The author participated as a Chinese player in this exercise and won the title of “Outstanding Team Member” with excellent military skills. At the time of publication, he wrote an article about this exercise for us from all aspects -
0.338英寸口径CMS狙击步枪  1994年,南非特维洛公司正式进入武器市场,最先推出的是与公司同名的特维络系列大口径反器材狙击步枪,最大口径可以发射20×110mm高射炮弹,该系列狙击步枪一举进入国际军用武器市场,并且誉满全球。今年,南非特维洛公司在IWA展览会上推出了最新款的军警用狙击步枪——特维洛CMS系列旋转后拉枪机式狙击步枪,为公司军警产品名录又添新品。枪托后方设有橡胶缓冲垫,射手也可
NSG-85型7.62mm半自动狙击步枪系统由哪些产品组成?结构性能如何?有哪些关键技术突破?请看——  关键技术突破  我国现役半自动狙击步枪主要有85式7.62mm狙击步枪及88式5.8mm狙击步枪,由于受限于当时国内的技术水平,这两款狙击步枪的射击精度不高,加上未对高精度狙击弹和高性能瞄准镜进行研制,射击精度上只能算是精准步枪,还达不到高精度狙击步枪的要求。为此,北方公司联合国内多家企业于2
一个台式玻璃展柜,集中展示了一批微型手枪,包括单发手枪和转轮手枪,这些微型手枪是柯尔特公司在1870~ 1880年代中期研发生产的同类型手枪产品的集合.rn柯尔特德林杰手枪rn186
我国加入世界贸易组织后,医疗服务市场进一步开发,将给医院的改革与发展带来新的机遇和挑战.加强思想素质、业务水平、职业素质在当今整体护理护理工作中极为重要.rn1 责任护