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在批林批孔运动推动下,抚顺市木材生产、加工、分配和使用单位,遵照毛主席关于“励行节约,反对浪费”的伟大教导,以党的基本路线为纲,认真贯彻执行“鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义”总路线和“独立自主,自力更生,艰苦奋斗,勤俭建国”的方针,坚持社会主义道路,狠批林彪“克己复礼”和孔孟之道,巩固和发展了无产阶级文化大革命的成果,有力地促进了木材节约工作的胜利发展。今年上半年,全市共节约代用木材达18,052立方米,完成年度木材节约计划69.4%,为去年同期木材节约量的111.4%。批林批孔运动开展以来,全市各木材加工企业广大职工,遵照毛主席“增加生产,励行 In line with the pro-forest campaign, the unit producing, processing, distributing and using wood in Fushun City abides by the great teachings of Chairman Mao on “encouraging conservation and opposing wastage” and taking the basic line of the party as the key link to conscientiously implement the principle of “ Vigorously strive for the upper reaches, speed up the construction of socialism more efficiently and economically ”and the principle of“ independence, self-reliance, hard work and thrifty building of the nation ”, adhering to the socialist road, relentlessly criticizing Lin Biao’s“ self-serving rehabitation ”and Confucius and Mencius, and consolidating and developing the proletariat The fruits of the Great Cultural Revolution have effectively promoted the victorious development of timber conservation. In the first half of this year, the city saved a total of 18,052 cubic meters of substitute timber, completed an annual timber saving plan of 69.4% and 111.4% of the timber saved in the same period of last year. Since the launch of the Lin Pik Kong Campaign, the majority of workers in the wood processing enterprises in the city have followed the principle of "increasing production and encouraging
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