一、中国抗战文学与马华抗战文学 抗战时期的马华文学,指马华文艺界在中国抗日战争时期蓬勃兴起的一个特殊的历史阶段性文学,时间的迄止为1937—1945年,主要的活动期在1942新马沦陷前。它是迄今为止马华文学发展史上最繁盛的时期。这时期,马华文坛的空前繁荣是令人兴奋
I. Chinese Anti-Japanese Literature and the Anti-Japanese War Literature of MCA This is a special historical stage literature of the Chinese anti-Japanese War of MCA which flourished during the period of Anti-Japanese War. The period ended from 1937 to 1945 with the main activities of 1942 before the fall of the horse. It is by far the most prosperous period in the history of MCA literature. The unprecedented prosperity of MCA in this period is exciting