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光山县位于河南省东南部,隶属信阳市管辖,是中国扶贫开发工作重点县。近年来,随着人类工程活动加剧,光山县地质灾害时有发生。通过开展“光山县1:5万地质灾害详细调查”工作,确定县境内地质灾害隐患主要类型为:滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、地面塌陷四类。滑坡、崩塌等地质灾害隐患总体上具有数量多、规模差异、危险性不一、引发因素清楚等特征。泥石流多为在坡面有大量块石及沟道中堆积有大量第四系松散沉积物,构成了泥石流的固体物源,一旦遇到足够的水动力条件,极有可能引发形成泥石流。光山县地质灾害隐患在空间上主要分布于县域南部构造剥蚀丘陵区域以及西部剥蚀残山与剥蚀岗地过渡地带,地质灾害隐患在人类活动强烈的时期相对集中,在5~8月份雨季相对集中。地层岩性、坡体地质结构、坡体形态等是滑坡、崩塌等灾害隐患形成的控制因素。本文通过综合分析地质灾害隐患发育特征,可为今后光山县开展地质灾害防治工作提供依据和思路。 Guangshan County is located in southeastern Henan Province, under the jurisdiction of Xinyang City, is China’s key counties in poverty alleviation and development work. In recent years, with the intensification of human engineering activities, geological disasters have occurred in Guangshan County. By carrying out the “1: 50000 geological disasters detailed survey in Guangshan County”, the main types of geological disasters in the county are identified as landslide, collapse, debris flow and ground subsidence. Landslides, landslides and other geohazards generally have many hidden dangers, such as large numbers, large differences in scale, different risks and triggering factors. Debris flow is mostly a large number of blocks in the slope and a large number of deposition in the channel Quaternary loose sediment, constitutes a solid source of debris flow, once encountered sufficient hydrodynamic conditions, is likely to lead to the formation of debris flow. Geological hazards in Guangshan County are mainly distributed in the striated hilly areas in the southern part of the county and the transitional zones of denuded and exfoliated hills in the western part of the county. The hidden dangers of geological hazards are relatively concentrated during periods of intense human activities, and are relatively concentrated in the rainy season from May to August. Stratum lithology, geological structure of slope and slope morphology are the controlling factors of landslide and collapse hazards. In this paper, by comprehensive analysis of the development characteristics of geological disasters, it can provide the basis and train of thought for the future prevention and control of geological disasters in Guangshan County.