
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsgray
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Objective. Co- expression patterns of the genes implicated in angiogenesis and tumor invasion in cervical carcinoma cells were investigated together with invasive activity of tumor cells. Transcript levels of those genes were also compared between tumor cells and normal cervical tissues. Methods. Real-time quantitative RT- PCR analysis was conducted on selected 11 genes (total VEGF- A, VEGF121,VEGF165,VEGF189,VEGF- B, C and D, bFGF, dThdPase, MMP- 2 and uPA) using 11 cervical carcinoma cell lines and 14 normal cervical tissues. Protein ex-pression of VEGF- C and MMP- 2 and invasive activity of tumor cells were evaluated for each cell line by sandwich ELISA and haptoinvasion assay, respectively. Results. Gene co-expression analysis revealed the significant correlation between angiogenic factors and proteinases in malignant but not in normal cervical samples. Gene or protein expression levels of VEGF- C and MMP- 2 were well correlated with the number of invaded tumor cells. VEGF- A splicing variants were increased in malignant compared to normal cervical samples but not associated with the invasive activity of the cells. Conclusion. VEGF- C and MMP- 2 were closely related to invasive phenotype of tumor cells, whereas VEGF- A isoforms were considered to be involved in cervical carcinogenesis. Objective. Co-expression patterns of the genes implicated in angiogenesis and tumor invasion in cervical carcinoma cells were investigated together with invasive activity of tumor cells. Transcript levels of those genes were also compared between tumor cells and normal cervical tissues. Methods. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis was conducted on selected 11 genes (total VEGF- A, VEGF121, VEGF165, VEGF189, VEGF- B, C and D, bFGF, dThdPase, MMP- 2 and uPA) using 11 cervical carcinoma cell lines and 14 normal cervical tissues. Protein ex-pression of VEGF-C and MMP-2 and invasive activity of tumor cells were evaluated for each cell line by sandwich ELISA and haptoinvasion assay, respectively. Gene co-expression analysis revealed the significant correlation between angiogenic factors and proteinases in malignant but not in normal cervical samples. Gene or protein expression levels of VEGF-C and MMP-2 were well correlated with the number of invaded tumor cells. VEGF- A splic ing variants were increased in malignant compared to normal cervical samples but not associated with the invasive activity of the cells. Conclusion. VEGF- C and MMP- 2 were closely related to in vitro phenotype of tumor cells, VEGF- A isoforms were considered to be involved in cervical carcinogenesis.
《徐铸成新闻评论集》徐铸成著 38.00元本书收入的文字是作者一九四九年前在《大公报》和《文汇报》的六个不同时期担任主笔时写的社论、社评,共计一百九十二篇。社论、社评
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阴茎原发性肉瘤少见。自1892年 Beck~1报告以来,文献记载不到100例。依组织来源和类型,可分为血管内皮瘤,纤维肉瘤,卡波济氏肉瘤,平滑肌肉瘤,横纹肌肉瘸,未分化肉瘤,神经肉