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我国渔业资源养护与管理的基本法律制度初步形成于20世纪80年代后半期,90年代中期以来有所调整和加强,在基本立法上已经形成了较为完整的制度体系,并在渔船削减和禁渔措施方面取得了一定的成效,但仍存在法制不完善、现有制度未能全面执行的问题:①《渔业法》配套行政立法滞后;②部分已经实行的养护和管理措施尚未有立法予以规范;③现有的渔具限制、幼鱼保护等措施未能得到有效执行;④捕捞产出控制和渔业资源分配制度缺失,仍主要依靠捕捞投入控制和技术管理措施;⑤捕捞准入制度、捕捞统计管理制度等重要的基本制度缺乏。我国渔业资源养护与管理的法制建设,既需要加强现有制度的实施性立法,也要注重基础管理制度的完善,更为重要的是加强执行。建议:①严格执行现有较为完整的管理制度,特别是渔具数量、规格限制管理和幼鱼保护技术措施,并加强《渔业法》配套立法,提高《渔业法》的可执行性;②加强基础制度建设,特别是捕捞统计数据监督与核实制度、适合我国国情的渔业资源分配制度。 The basic legal system for the conservation and management of fishery resources in China was initially formed in the latter half of the 1980s and has been adjusted and strengthened since the mid-1990s. It has formed a relatively complete system of systems in the basic legislation, Measures have been achieved some success, but there are still imperfect legal system, the existing system fails to fully implement the problem: ① “Fisheries Law” supporting the lack of administrative legislation; ② some of the conservation and management measures have been implemented without legislation to regulate; (3) The existing fishing gear restrictions and juvenile protection measures have not been effectively implemented; (4) The control of fishing output and the allocation of fishery resources are still lacking and are still mainly controlled by fishing inputs and technical management measures; (5) The fishing access system, the management of fishing statistics Institutions and other important lack of basic system. The legal construction of the conservation and management of fishery resources in our country not only needs to strengthen the implementing legislation of the existing system, but also emphasize the perfection of the basic management system and, more importantly, enforce it. Suggestions: ① Strictly implement the existing relatively complete management system, in particular, the number of fishing gear, specification limit management and technical measures for juvenile protection, and strengthen the supporting legislation of the Fisheries Law to enhance the enforceability of the Fisheries Law; ② Strengthen the foundation System construction, especially the system of monitoring and verification of fishing statistics and the fishery resources allocation system that suits our national conditions.
尿酸是人体内嘌呤代谢的最终产物,当尿酸生成增多和/或排出减少时,均可引起血中尿酸盐浓度增高。当血尿酸水平男性大于7.0 mg/dl,女性大于6.0 mg/dl称为高尿酸血症。作为嘌呤