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1995年以来,深圳先后实施三期同富裕工程,帮助宝安、龙岗欠发达地区加快经济发展,提高人民群众生活水平与生活质量。作为深圳欠发达地区之一,原来欠发达村占70%、贫困人口占50%以的深圳宝安石岩,1996年,开始实施第一期同富裕工程。2001年,第二期同富裕工程全面展开。目前第三期同富裕工程已接近尾声。实施同富裕工程,建设同富裕工业区,加快了石岩农村城市化进程,改善了欠发达村原村民生产、生活条件,促进了集体经济发展;实施固本强基工程,加强社区阵地建设,维护社会稳定,为推动深圳欠发达地区经济、社会的发展,加快效益深圳、和谐深圳的建设步伐发挥了积极作用。一、设同富裕工程,加快了石岩农村城市化进程,改善了欠发达村村民生产、生活条件,构建和谐石岩一是积极争取市、区财政支持,完成了第三期同富裕工程基础设施项目7个、经济发展项目12个。其中水田村供水改造工程和爱群路(二期)工程正准备资料申请竣工验收,官田新村道路工程已完成工程量97%,上屋社区坑尾排洪渠工程已开工建设。爱群路(三期)工程已完成工程量45%,上排山猪窝道路工程和官田新村排水排洪工程正开工建设。二是帮助符合条件(18岁以后、退休之前)的欠发达村户籍村民交纳(或部分交纳)本应由集体(股份公司)承担的养老保险。争取同富裕社保扶持资金701万元,受益社区(居民小组)12个,受益居民人数达1609人。2003年11月至2006年6月的社保资金已经下拨到各社区(居民小组),2006年7月至2006年10月的社保资金刚到位。经过三期同富裕工程的实施,在一定程度上改善了原欠发达村经济状况,同富裕工程的实施在推动原欠发达村脱贫致富方面确实起到了不可或缺的作用。 Since 1995, Shenzhen has implemented three phases of affluent projects to help the underdeveloped areas of Baoan and Longgang to speed up their economic development and improve people’s living standard and quality of life. As one of the underdeveloped areas in Shenzhen, Bao’an Shiyan, Shenzhen, which owns 70% of the underdeveloped villages and 50% of the poor population, began implementing the first phase of the affluent project in 1996. In 2001, the second phase with the rich project in full swing. The current third phase with the rich project is nearing completion. The implementation of the same affluent project, the construction of the same rich industrial area, accelerated the process of urbanization in rural Shiyan, improve the production and living conditions of the original villagers in less developed villages, and promote the development of collective economy; implementation of strong basic projects, strengthening the construction of community positions, Maintain social stability, and play an active role in promoting the economic and social development in underdeveloped areas of Shenzhen and speeding up the construction of a sound Shenzhen and a harmonious Shenzhen. First, with the rich project, speeding up the process of urbanization in rural Shiyan, improving the production and living conditions of under-developed village villagers and building a harmonious Shiyan First, actively seek municipal and district financial support, completed the third phase of the same rich project 7 facilities and 12 economic development projects. Among them, Water Tamura Water Supply Reconstruction Project and Aiqun Road (Phase II) project are preparing information for completion and acceptance. The number of completed works of Guantian New Village Road Project has been completed at 97%. The Hangou Tailing Flood Drainage Project of Shangwu Community has started construction. The construction of Aiqun Road (phase III) project has been completed with a work volume of 45%. The construction of Shang Paishanzhuwo Roadworks and Guantingxincun Drainage and Discharging Flooding Project are under construction. The second is to help eligible villagers (under 18 years old, before retirement) less developed village households to pay (or pay in part) should be borne by the collective (joint-stock company) pension insurance. Fight for affluent social security funds 7.01 million yuan to benefit the community (residents group) 12, the number of residents benefited up to 1609 people. The social security funds from November 2003 to June 2006 have been allocated to various communities (residents’ groups), and the social security funds have just arrived from July 2006 to October 2006. After three years of implementation of the affluent projects, the economy of the original under-developed villages has been improved to a certain extent. In fact, the implementation of the affluent projects has indeed played an indispensable role in helping the former under-developed villages to get rid of poverty.
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