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作为一名记者、特别是体育记者,能在自己的国家赶上报道一届奥运会的比赛,借助东道主的各方面优势,充分展示自己的才华,机会确实难得,甚至可以说是千载难逢。现在距北京奥运会举行日期越来越近,各路媒体的编辑记者都在厉兵秣马,进行认真的准备,为在中华民族历史上首次举办的奥运会报道中大显身手、大干一场。我们准备奥运会的报道,从哪些方面入手呢?我想除了要基本熟悉体育项目外,还要做好打破常规体育比赛报道的准备;编辑记者不仅仅要懂体育知识,还要有强烈的政治新闻敏感和熟悉基本国际规则等方面的知识储备。笔者多次参加大型运动会的报道,在这方面有着切身的体会。应《新闻与写作》编辑之约,自本期开始,我将为读者朋友陆续介绍一些自己的奥运报道感受。 As a journalist, sports journalists in particular can catch up with and cover the games of one Olympic Games in their own country and show their talent fully with the help of all aspects of the host country. The chances are indeed rare and even can be said to be unprecedented. Now that the dates for the Beijing Olympic Games are getting closer and closer, the editorial correspondents of various media are making determined preparations and doing their utmost to make a difference for the first Olympic Games coverage in the history of the Chinese nation. What are we going to prepare for the coverage of the Olympic Games? In my opinion, apart from being familiar with sports, I am prepared to break the coverage of regular sports competitions. Editors should not only understand physical education but also have strong political news Sensitive and familiar with the basic international rules and other aspects of knowledge reserves. I repeatedly participated in the large-scale sports reports, in this area have a personal experience. Should be “news and writing” editors of the treaty, from this issue, I will be friends for readers to introduce some of their own experience of the Olympic report.
本文上篇对08年北京奥运射击步枪、气步枪比赛项目进行了介绍,下篇将继续介绍手枪、气手枪、飞碟比赛项目。 In this article, we introduce the 2008 Beijing Olympic shoo
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Richard Noel Marx (born September 16, 1963 in Chicago, Illinois1) is an American adult contemporary and pop/rock singer, songwriter, musician, and record produc