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上海一钢集团为了适应经济体制转变,建设现代企业制度,壮大和发展一钢集团的需要,以跨世纪人才为目标,积极培养青年后备干部。在实施跨世纪人才工程中,一钢集团引进国外JIM培训法,并结合一钢实际在培训过程中予以实施,取得了满意的效果。一钢集团又根据跨世纪人才先进性的要求,依托社会培养适应跨世纪要求的企业经营管理人员,邀请各大学参加。培训项目的招标,弥补了一钢集团教育资源的不足,为一钢集团加速人才培养和建立新的人才结构发挥了作用。关于一钢集团向社会实施培训招标的情况本刊已在1996年第5期作了报道,现将一钢集团运用JIM培训法的经验和参加不同培训项目(如厂长经理任职资格、总工程师资格等)培训的学员的学习体会加以汇编,介绍给广大读者。 In order to meet the needs of transforming the economic system, building a modern enterprise system, and expanding and developing the Yi Steel Group, Shanghai No.1 Iron and Steel Group should actively cultivate young reserve cadres with the goal of transnational personnel. In the implementation of the project of transnational talents, the First Steel Group introduced the foreign JIM training method and implemented it in the process of training according to the actual situation of YISCO, and achieved satisfactory results. According to the requirements of the advanced nature of trans-century talents, YiSteel Group relied on the society to train the enterprise managers who meet the requirements of the new century and invited all universities to attend. The bidding for the training project has made up for the shortage of the education resources of the First Steel Group and played a role for the First Steel Group in accelerating talent cultivation and establishing a new talent structure. On the steel group to the community to implement the training tender The magazine has been reported in the fifth of 1996, is now a steel group JIM training in the use of experience and to participate in different training programs (such as factory manager qualifications, chief engineer Qualifications, etc.) to learn the training of students to be compiled, introduced to the general readers.
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