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  Birth date:1980,3,29
  height: 160cm
  blood type: O
  weight: 48kg
  timepiece:Try to remember ultimate goal of my life always
  favorite artist:Nicole Kidman
  people she respects:her mother
  When people think of Kim Tae-hee, they often say she is beautiful but her acting still has a long way to go. Her perceived shortcomings in acting have been constantly talked about while she worked to be recognized as a true actor.
  A mini interview以下是对她的一段访谈
  ●People say you have improved but still many say your acting is amateur. 人们都说你在进步,但仍有很多人说你的表演很业余。
  ●In the past, I didn't even realize I was bad. I was too busy. And even when I saw my shortcomings, I simply turned away. But about two or three months ago, I bought the DVDs for Love Story in Harvard (Kim's 2004 TV soap) and I was so embarrassed. Sure, I was sincere and I put in a lot of energy into it, but I simply wasn't ready technically.过去,我甚至没有意识到我表演得差。我太忙了。甚至当我看到我的缺点时,我只是扭头回避。但大约在二、三个月前,我买了DVD《爱在哈佛》 (金在2004年的电视连续剧)。我是如此尴尬,当然,我是真诚的,我投入了大量的精力,但在技术上我根本没有准备好。
  ●Are you satisfied now? 你现在满意吗?
  ●I feel I have gotten better. Of course, I still have a long way to go. 我感觉我好多了。当然,我还要努力才行。
  ●How do you feel when people criticize your acting on the Internet? 当你看到网上人们对你的批评,你怎么想?
  ●I get frustrated and angry to the point of not wanting to live anymore. But at the same time, something inside me refuses to accept those comments and drives me to work harder to get recognition one day. 我又生气又觉得备受打击,难过得不想活。但同时我的内心拒绝接受这些评价,从而促使我更加努力工作,总有一天人们会认可我的。
  ●Why do you have to act with all these people attacking you?You could lead a comfortable life by just shooting commercials. 你为什么非得和攻击你的人拍戏呢?你只要拍广告就可以过得很舒服了。
  ●When people are faced with something new and challenging, they get excited. In the past, acting was like a tough homework assignment, and I didn't get any joy or sense of achievement from it. But these days, I feel I know what it is like to act and I think I'll be truly happy when I become a great actress. 人们在面对新鲜事和挑战时总会很兴奋。过去,演戏就像是完成家庭作业,我从中得不到成就感。但现在,我觉得我喜欢演戏,我想如果我能成为伟大的演员,那才是我真正的幸福。
  ●What do you do when you feel empty? Do you also cry like Jin-a?感觉空虚时你怎么办?也会像金雅(其电影中饰演的一个角色)一样哭吗?
  ●I rely on my friends. I get lonely really easily and I can never overcome that by myself. But I want to be strong and independent one day. 我会靠我的朋友。我真的很容易感到空虚,而且每次自己都克服不了。但我想总有一天我会变得坚强独立的。
  ●Do you feel you were able to become one with the character?你觉得你能成为你饰演角色中的人物吗?
  ●I never intentionally tried to fall in love for the sake of gaining pointers for my acting, but experience did help. Of course, I never had the experience of marrying someone, and then hating the person once the fantasy is over. But I'm sure we all had similar experiences. Falling in love, I think, is crucial for acting. 我从来没有因为角色需要而故意坠入爱河,但过去的经验还是有帮助的。当然,我从未有过结婚的经验,然后一旦幻想破灭就恨一个人。但我可以肯定,我们都曾经有过类似的经历。恋爱,我认为这对演戏是至关重要的。
  ●When asked to describe you, people around you say two things: you are very clever to the point of being shrewd while almost narcissistic, and you are very naive当问及如何形容你时,你周围的人说了两件事:你精明到几乎自恋,而你又如此之简单极尽天真。
  ●I think every woman needs to be narcissistic to some degree. Women become more confident when they are beautiful, feminine, and adorable. As for being shrewd, I'm not because I simply haven't had enough experience of life. Anyway, it hurts me to hear those comments.我想每个女人需要有某种程度的自恋。当女人更加自信时,他们会便得更加美丽,充满女人味,可爱。至于精明,我却不是这样的,因为我根本没有足够的生活经验。事实上,有一些事情只是人们希望我这样的,但事实完全不是这样。无论如何听到这些评论,我还是很难过。
  for the sake of 和 because of :这两个词看似词义相同,实际上差别较大。 for the sake of是指具有某种目的性的原因; because of是指纯粹导致结果的原因。
  例句: 1. The young lady married the man for the sake of money.
  2. She didn't join the party because of his religion.
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