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政府社交媒体的使用是实现网络问政的重要途径。在我国政务微博蓬勃发展的过程中,涌现出了许多运作机制上的创新。这些创新突破了微博基本功能的局限,有助于更有效地推进网络问政。本文主要探讨以下问题:①运作机制创新的效果如何;②创新面临怎样的约束和问题;③创新在怎样的保障体系下得以持续推进。通过分析2011—2015年的政务微博报告中的案例,得出以下结论:①运作机制创新的效果主要体现在设计功能实现度、服务质量、受众需求吻合度和成效持续性四个方面;②创新的约束和问题主要来自于政府机构特征与网络问政发展需求不匹配;③政府需要从工作流程、组织结构、规章制度和人员设置四方面进行政府组织变革,才能将微博运作机制创新制度化,从而更加有效地实现网络问政。 The use of government social media is an important way to achieve network politics. In our government microblogging boom in the process of emergence of many operational mechanisms for innovation. These innovations break through the limitations of the basic functions of Weibo and help to promote the network politics more effectively. This paper mainly discusses the following questions: (1) how effective is the operational mechanism innovation; (2) what kind of constraints and problems the innovation faces; and (3) how innovation can be continuously promoted under what kind of security system. The following conclusions are drawn from the analysis of the cases in the government microblogging report of 2011-2015: ① The effects of operational mechanism innovation are mainly embodied in four aspects: the degree of design function realization, service quality, consistency of audience demand and sustainability of results; The constraints and problems of innovation come mainly from the mismatch between the characteristics of government agencies and the development of political parties on the Internet. Third, the government needs to make changes in the organizational structure of the government from four aspects: work flow, organizational structure, rules and regulations, and staffing, so that the microblogging operation mechanism innovation system In order to achieve more effective Internet politics.
本刊讯记者日前从大会组委会了解到:第十届广州国际茶文化节、2009中国(广州)国际茶业博览会(以下简称广州茶博会)将于11月26-30日在广州·琶 Our reporter recently learne
摘要:当前,随着我国商业银行市场化改革进一步深化,防范金融风险的形势日趋严峻。文章在深入研究分析我国商业银行道德风险主要表现及成因的基础上,尝试提出了加强商业银行道德风险防范的措施及对策。对商业银行有效地防范和控制道德风险,促进商业银行持续快速健康发展有着现实的参考意义。  关键词:商业银行;道德风险;防控  中图分类号:F830.33 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-828X(2013)10
2012年5月~ 2013年5月,广州市阳光社会工作事务中心与广州市越秀区组织部合作,进行了社会工作与党建工作相结合的实务实践尝试,项目社工和项目督导通过实务服务的方式探索了社