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防渗水泥砂浆层是用水泥素灰与水泥砂浆分层交替施工而构成的整体防渗层。粉抹三遍素灰和三遍水泥砂浆,简称三度粉抹法,总厚度为20~25毫米。一、原材料选择水泥:选用标号325以上普通水泥或硅酸盐水泥。安定性不合格及过期水泥均不得采用。矿渣水泥、火山灰质水泥易泌水,干缩性大,不宜采用。黄砂:应选用石英含量较高的中砂,平均粒径应为0.25~0.35毫米,质量要求应符合配制高标号混凝土的要求。水泥砂浆:配合比为1:1.25。二、基层处理混凝土表面应凿毛,砖石砌体表面应用钢丝刷清除浮浆杂物,并用清水冲洗干净,保证充分湿润。混凝土基层表面往往由于模板交错或支撑不牢而造成凹凸不平,深度如小于10毫米,可用凿子凿成斜坡,不必修补。凹凸不平的深度大于10毫 The impervious cement mortar layer is an integral impervious layer constructed by alternately constructing layers of cementitious ash and cement mortar. Powder wipe three times prime ash and three times cement mortar, referred to as the third degree powdered method, the total thickness of 20 ~ 25 mm. First, the choice of raw materials, cement: The use of ordinary cement or Portland cement, with a rating of 325 or more. Unqualified stability and expired cement shall not be used. Slag cement, volcanic cement and cement are easy to leak, and dry shrinkage is not suitable. Yellow sand: Medium sand with high quartz content should be used. The average particle size should be 0.25-0.35 mm. The quality requirements should meet the requirements for the preparation of high-grade concrete. Cement mortar: The mix ratio is 1:1.25. Second, the grassroots processing concrete surface should be cut hair, brick masonry surface application of wire brush to remove laitance debris, and rinse with clean water to ensure adequate moisture. The surface of the concrete base is often uneven due to the staggered or uneven support of the template. If the depth is less than 10 mm, a chisel can be used to cut the slope without repair. Uneven depth greater than 10 millimeters
结合工程实践,研究粉煤灰掺量及其砼强度增长的定量规律,认为粉煤灰砼在轻寒地区采用综合蓄热法施工是可行的,并能取得良好效益。 Combined with engineering practice, the
本刊讯(记者王莉)11月14日,加拿大木业协会董事、总经理保罗纽曼(Paul Newman)先生和卑诗省林业厅林业发展投资处(下称林业投资处)中国区副总经理窦伟女士宣布了在中国推广木
河北省人民政府令[1998]第9号《河北省工业生产许可证管理规定》已经1998年7月16日省政府第9次常务会议通过,现予发布施行。省长叶连松一九九八年八月十九日 Hebei Provinc