寻访一届全国人大代表 徐肖冰:延安走出来的摄影家

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他是中国革命史上许多重大事件的参与者和记录者。在上个世纪三十年代,曾经给上海的电影明星拍过照片。后来在延安很长的时间里,他作为为数不多的摄影师之一,拍摄了毛主席、朱德总司令等老一辈无产阶级革命家从事活动的大量文献照片;百团大战的时候,他曾跟随八路军战士冲在前线,冒着枪林弹雨,是个不怕死的战地摄影师。从抗日战争年代到全国解放,他除了照片还拍摄了大量的新闻记录影片。他早期的摄影摄像作品,展现了中国革命的风风雨雨,写实了中华儿女在争取民族独立与解放而进行的艰苦卓绝的抗争,展示了开国领袖的动人风采,不失为中国革命史上难得的影像资料。全国解放后,他肩负新闻纪录电影制片厂的领导工作和创作工作,参加《解放一江山》、《解放大陈岛》、《新政协筹备会议》、《开国大典》、《解放了的中国》、《青春万岁》、《抗美援朝第一辑》、《万象更新》、《英雄赞》、《人定胜天》、《美丽的西双版纳》等纪录电影的摄影或编导,荣获过斯大林奖一等奖、朝鲜政府二级国旗勋章、文化部优秀影片一等奖。 He is a participant and recorder of many major events in the history of the Chinese revolution. In the 1930s, the film stars of Shanghai had taken photographs. Later, in Yan’an, for a long time, as one of the few photographers, he took a large number of photographs of the activities carried out by the older proletarian revolutionaries such as Chairman Mao and Comrade Chu Teh. During the Hundred Regiments Campaign, he had Follow the Eighth Route Army soldiers rushed in the front, braving the bullet, is not afraid of death field photographer. From the era of the Anti-Japanese War to the liberation of the country, he also shot a large number of news-recorded videos in addition to the photos. His early photographic images show the ups and downs of the Chinese revolution, the arduous struggle between the sons and daughters of China in striving for national independence and liberation, demonstrating the moving character of the founding leaders, a rare video material in the history of the Chinese revolution. After the liberation of the country, he shouldered the leadership and creative work of the news documentary film studio and took part in the “Liberation of a Country,” “Liberation of Dachen Island,” “Preparatory Meeting for the New Political Consultative Conference,” “Founding of the People’s Republic of China,” “Liberated China Won the first prize of the Stalin Award for the photography or director of the Documentary Films such as ”Long Live in Youth“, ”The First Series of Anti-American Aid Korea,“ ”Vientiane Update,“ ”Heroic Praise,“ ”People’s Victory,“ and ”Beautiful Xishuangbanna. Government II flag medal, the Ministry of Culture excellent film award.
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