
来源 :江南大学学报(人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jay1222
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江苏非物质文化遗产的物质形态与文化形态在明清小说中多有描述,主要集中在世情小说,其他种类诸如历史演义、英雄传奇、神魔小说中则极为少见;长篇世情小说较多,短篇小说除了专门描写的之外较少;“三言”中较多,“二拍”中则较少;在叙述人情往来、享乐时较多,其他叙事场景较少。在作品中,有的是直接指称,有的则用了别称,有的虽未明确指称,但根据作品的描述能够确认,还有的并未直接指认,但根据作品的记载已经能够了解到其所产生的巨大影响,有的则能够帮助读者确定作者所反映的时代。明清小说没有真正意义上反映下层民众生活的作品,因而有关传统手工工艺的描述难觅踪影,能够表现此类内容作为某种特定心理的物化形式见于人情往来或各种类型的集会场合。江苏37项非物质文化遗产的成熟期大多在明清时代,从明清小说中寻求启示,对于加强对它们的保护、挽救、保存、调研,从而进一步弘扬民族优秀文化,有着现实意义。 The material forms and cultural forms of intangible cultural heritage in Jiangsu are described in many novels of Ming and Qing dynasties, and they are mainly concentrated in the novels of world love. Other types such as historical novels, heroic legends, and magical novels are extremely rare. Long story novels, short stories The novels except the specialized descriptions are less; the more is in the three words; the less is in the two beats; the more is the narration of human relations, the more is the hedonic music while the other is narrative. Some of the works are directly alluded to, others are alias, others are not explicitly alluded to, but they can be identified according to the description of the work, others are not directly identified, but according to the records of the work, they are already known Of the great impact, while others can help readers determine the author reflects the era. Ming and Qing novels do not really reflect the life of the people in the lower class. Therefore, the description of the traditional handicraft is hard to find, and the materialized form of such a specific psychology can be found in human relations or various types of meetings. Most of the 37 intangible cultural heritages in Jiangsu are matured in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. They seek enlightenment from novels of Ming and Qing dynasties, which is of great practical significance for strengthening their protection, saving, researching and researching so as to carry forward the excellent national culture further.
通过对长春市蔬菜生产基地土壤中Hg、Cd、Cr、As、Pb和Cu 6种重金属元素含量进行采样测试,从时间、空间及土壤类别等方面对比分析6种元素的含量差异,综合评价了基地土壤环境