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很多花友认为乌柿不好栽,要乌柿结果更难,我栽了近十年的乌柿,我认为只要掌握了它的生长习性,不但好栽而且容易结果,下文就是我对乌柿栽培与管理的一些粗浅体会。一、乌柿的形态与习性乌柿属柿科,又名金弹子、瓶兰花、铁塔子,是重庆成都地区制作盆景的主要树种之一。乌柿属常绿灌木,雌雄异株,也发现极少数雌雄同株的,4月~5月开黄白色形状如瓶、香气似兰的小花,雌花的花蒂比雄花的花蒂大,雌花与雄花经昆虫或人工授粉后,雌花才能结果,要想结果多,除了加强管理外,最好用人工授粉的方法进行授粉,结果后,先由青转黄再转为橙红色,挂果期长达半年之久。乌柿还是制作各种形式盆景的好树种,特别适宜制作悬崖式、附石式和树石盆景,是观叶、观果、观形的极好盆景材料。乌柿喜半阴,适宜生长在温暖潮湿的环境中,就是在很潮湿的环境中也能生长。我以前为花友栽过一棵长势很好的乌柿树桩,这棵树桩就是从一个没有排水孔的水泥盆中取出的,取出时根还滴水。二、繁殖与栽培1.播种繁殖在秋季采摘熟果,取其种子淘洗干净并晾干,保存到次年4月左右,用40℃左右的热水泡半小时,即可用点播法播种,当年出苗,三年左右即可用播种苗制作小盆景 Many flower friends that the persimmon is not good planted, the result is harder to persimmon, I planted for nearly a decade of persimmon, I think as long as it mastered its growing habits, not only a good planted and easy results, the following is my persimmon Cultivation and management of some of the superficial experience. First, the shape and habits of persimmon Persimmon is a branch of persimmon, also known as the gold marbles, bottles of orchids, iron tower, is the production of bonsai in Chengdu, one of the main species. The persimmon is an evergreen shrub, dioecious, also found a very small number of hermaphrodites, April to May open the yellow-white shapes such as bottles, aroma-like flowers, the female flower than the male flower, the female flower With male flowers after insect or artificial pollination, the female flowers to the results, in order to find more results, in addition to strengthening management, the best pollination by artificial pollination method, the results, the first turn from green to yellow orange, fruiting long Up to six months. Purple persimmon or the production of various forms of good bonsai trees, especially suitable for the production of cliffs, stone and stone bonsai, is the concept of leaf, the concept of fruit, the concept of the best bonsai materials. Kau hi hi half Yin, suitable for growth in a warm and humid environment, that is, in a very humid environment can grow. I used to plant a growing lotus root of a persimmon tree stump, the stump is from a drain without cement pots removed, remove the root also drip. Second, breeding and cultivation 1. Sowing and breeding Picked ripe fruits in autumn, take their seeds, wash clean and dry, save the following April or so, with about 40 ℃ hot water soak for half an hour, you can use sowing law sowing, When the emergence of seedlings, seedlings can be used for about three years making small bonsai
Battle组合由六个青春无敌美少年组成。在新面孔层出不穷的韩国娱乐界,他们让人记忆深刻并迅速拥有大批铁杆粉丝的“法宝”是什么昵? Battle:我们有—个最大的优势,那就是六