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中国人民解放军54631部队后勤部财务科长周泉渊同志,执行财经制度铁面无私,对待财会工作认真负责,赢得了部队干部战士的信任和称赞。去年,他所在的财务科被评为某集团军财务工作先进单位,他也荣立了三等功,并光荣地出席了表彰大会。财经纪律面前人人平等一天,周泉渊正在收拾帐本准备下班。突然,公务员小张急匆勿地给跑来,递他一张差旅费报销单,说:“科长,副部长叫你给报了。”周泉渊接过单据一看,原来是副部长请假回家的往返车票,还有部长的签字。于是,他把单据还给了公务员,说:“回去告诉副部长,这路费不能报。”过后,副部长亲自找上门来,也没给报销。还有一次,一位后勤部领导得知自己要转业,要求周泉渊把规定的每月1元的粮贴改为每月2.5元的标准。“首长,您的要求是违反规定的,这事我可不好办”。被周泉渊拒绝了,那位部领导脸上有点不 Comrade Zhou Quanyuan, head of the finance department of the 54631 Army Logistics Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, took a personal and superficial account of the financial system and won the trust and praise of army cadres and fighters. Last year, his finance department was awarded an advanced unit in the financial work of a group army. He also established the third class and honored him at the ceremony. One day before all the financial and economic disciplines, Zhou Quan Yuan is packing up his account and preparing for get off work. Suddenly, a small civil service hurried to run, handed him a travel reimbursement slip, said: “Chief, deputy minister told you to report.” “Zhou Quanyuan took a look at the documents, it turned out to be the Deputy Minister of leave Return home tickets, as well as the minister’s signature. So, he returned the documents to the civil servants, saying: ”Go back and tell the deputy minister that the expenses can not be reported.“ Afterwards, the deputy minister personally came and did not reimburse him. On another occasion, a leader of the logistics department learned that he had to change jobs and asked Zhou Quanyuan to change the prescribed food subsidy of 1 yuan per month to a standard of 2.5 yuan per month. ”Chief, your request is contrary to the provisions, I can not handle this matter ". Zhou Quanyuan was rejected, the ministry leaders a little bit not on the face
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