全面发挥纪检监察职能作用 努力做好新形势下的群众工作

来源 :先锋队 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doboho
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做好新形势下的群众工作,不仅是发展社会主义市场经济的内在要求,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的内在要求,更是加强党执政能力建设的内在要求。充分发挥纪检监察机关的政治优势和工作职能,准确把握新形势下群众工作的特点和规律,紧密联系纪检监察和反腐倡廉工作实际,创新推进新形势下的群众工作,已成为摆在各级纪检监察机关和纪检监察干部面前的一项政治任务。改进作风,实行“五访下基层”做好新形势下的群众工作,改进工作作风是前提。各级纪检监察机关必须牢固树立群众观念,真正深入基层、接触群众、倾听呼声、掌握实情、解决问题。 To do a good job of mass work under the new situation is not only an inherent requirement of developing a socialist market economy but also an inherent requirement of building a socialist harmonious society and an inherent requirement of strengthening the party’s ability to govern. We must give full play to the political advantages and job functions of discipline inspection and supervision organs, accurately grasp the characteristics and laws of the mass work in the new situation, and closely contact with the actual conditions of discipline inspection and supervision and the work of fighting corruption and building a clean government. It has become a pillar of mass work under the new situation. Discipline inspection and supervision organs and discipline inspection and supervision cadres in front of a political task. Improve the style of work and implement the principle of “five visits to the grassroots level” to do a good job of mass work and improvement of working style in the new situation. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels must firmly establish the concept of the masses, truly go deep into the grassroots level, reach out to the masses, listen to calls, grasp the truth and solve problems.
目的 :研制一种自动连续计量患者尿量和检测尿液电导率的装置。方法 :制作尿液测量池,内置电导率测量电极、温度测量电极和液位感应电极;自制单片机控制各电极的测量和夹管电磁