要速度 也要质量

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一瞥触心思万千,露天耕耘诚可叹。谁知工者砺辛苦,日夜劳作刻容颜。枯萎面容核桃纹,沧桑沉浮尽其间。披汗斩风神专注,工程圆满笑开颜。心血凝聚成美景,心灵结晶存久远。一一《致京昆建设者》管理处官方网站上的这首诗,虽算不上佳句,那份质朴令人感动,尽管在平原修高速公路,技术难度低于高山深谷,但所要面临的困难,如拆迁难度等,同样需要多方投入心力。 A glimpse of touching thoughts, open-minded farming Cheng Yan sigh. Who knows workers work hard day and night labor engraved face. Withered walnut face lines, ups and downs of the vicissitudes of its best. Khan wind Fengshen focus on the project a successful smile. Blood condensation into the beauty, soul crystallization deposit for a long time. Although the poem on the official website of Beijing-Kunming Constructor management office is not really good, the rustic impression is that although it is difficult to repair the expressway in the plains and the technical difficulty is lower than that of the mountains and valleys, Difficulties, such as the difficulty of demolition, also need to invest more effort.
角巩膜穿通伤是严重的眼外伤,我院从1982年6月至1984年6月收治角巩膜穿通伤43例(44眼)。占同期眼科住院病人的2.43%,占同期眼外伤病人的29.2%。现将治疗体会 Corneal scleral
采用高压氧、脑活素、经络导平、针刺、按摩、诱导训练等中西医结合的综合疗法治疗小儿脑瘫 78例 ,结果运动功能评价显效为 5 8例 ,有效为 12例 ,无效为 8例。日常生活活动能
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Results presented in this paper contribute to investigation of the effect of the added Ca-Si modifier amount ( ) on the microstructure scales of granular γ-(
近年来,我们采用肌肉边缘切开联合拮抗肌线状折叠术。矫正斜视33例。手术操作简便,並可避免某些严重合并症,取得了较为满意的效果。报告如下: 病例与结果 水平性斜视33例,其
眼内后部眼壁及其附近微小异物的摘出是一种难度较大的手术,以往采用眼球全层径线切口或“T”形切口摘出异物。因全层巩膜磁性试验显示不明显,常以小方格辅助定 Ocular ocu
轻型车的竞争热点 有关专家分析:1998年轻型车行业可能出现的竞争热点是: 一、轻型卡车。 去年小解放、北轻及江铃下滑,小东风略显疲态,某些价格在6--7万元的新品种进展不如