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中共张家川县委书记马正录在张家川县十年来的工作生涯中,为民族地区的改革、发展和稳定殚精竭虑,辛勤工作,特别是在担任县委书记以来,以对党和人民高度负责的政治责任感,大抓党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,为促进全县经济发展,党风政风好转做出了积极贡献。作为县委书记,马正录在党的建设,特别是党风廉政建设上倾注了大量的心血,尤其在落实党风廉政建设责任制方面,作了大量的卓有成效的工作。他多次主持召开县四大组织联席会议,组织全体副县级以上干部认真学习中共中央、国务院《关于实行党风廉政建设责任制的规定》和省、市一系列规定精神,统一了县级领导干部的思想认识,并在县直机关和各乡镇全体干部大会上亲自作辅导讲话,调动了党员干部学习、宣传、贯彻落实党风廉政建设责任制规定的积极性和自觉性。对干部思想道德教育他也非常重视。去年以来,针对一些干部尤其是党员干部经受不住市场经济的考验,腐化堕落,损害党的声誉,破坏党的威信等突出问题,他亲自主持在全县党员干部中开展了思想道德集中教育活动,取得了显著成效,在全县上下引起了强烈反响。他还亲自主 In the ten years of his career in Zhangjiachuan County, Ma Zhengli, secretary of the CPC Zhangjiachuan County Party Committee, has devoted himself to the reform, development and stability in the minority areas and worked diligently. Since his appointment as county party secretary in particular, he has been holding the political responsibility highly responsible to the party and the people The building of a clean government and the fight against corruption have made positive contributions to promoting the economic development of the county and the improvement of the style of the party’s work style. As secretary of the county party committee, Ma Zhengzhi devoted a lot of painstaking efforts in party building, especially in building a clean government. In particular, he made a great deal of fruitful work in implementing the responsibility system for the party’s work style and building an honest and clean government. He presided several times in the county joint organization of the four major organizations and organized all the cadres at the county level and above to conscientiously study the CPC Central Committee and the State Council’s "Provisions on the Implementation of the Responsibilities System of Building a Clean Government and Provincial and Municipal Governments, Leading cadres’ ideological understanding, and in the county organs and all township cadres General Assembly personally counseling speech mobilized the party members and cadres to learn, promote, implement the responsibility system of building a clean government and the initiative and initiative. He also attaches great importance to cadre’s ideological and moral education. Since last year, in the light of such prominent problems as the failure of some cadres, especially party members and cadres, to withstand the test of a market economy, corruption and degradation, the detriment of the party’s reputation, and the undermining of the party’s prestige, he personally presided over the ideological and moral education focused on party members and cadres throughout the county , Achieved remarkable results in the county caused a strong reaction. He also personally
那已经是十多年以前的事了。 那年,受杂志社之托去京组稿。开列名单时,首先想到了杭州籍著名翻译家、散文作家冯亦代先生。可是,我识冯老,只是在他于《读书》杂志中所长设的“西
被首都戏曲界誉为“川剧一支笔”的陈国福 ,祖籍“万里长江第一城”宜宾 ,秀丽的金秋沙江、岷江养育了他 ,陶冶了他 ,浓郁的“书卷气” ,使其在以诙谐、幽默为主要特征的四川
此窄轨小机车的结构简单,采用空气冷却式发动机和变容积液压泵原理的液压传动。轨距1呎6时至3呎6时的Ruston Hornsby LE和LJ机车采用Dow matic驅动形式中的Dowty液压传动装
近读一篇纪念任弼时同志的文章 ,感慨良多。文章说 ,杰出的无产阶级革命家任弼时同志几十年如一日 ,为党和人民的革命事业鞠躬尽瘁 ,死而后已。凡曾同任弼时同志一道工作或生