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东营凹陷深部流体的活动大量存在已被证实,其主要表现有地球化学异常、重金属元素异常、岩浆活动及深部结构异常和古地热梯度异常等。深部流体进入沉积盆地主要通过深大断裂和岩浆喷发,将打破原有的物质能量平衡,从多个方面对油气成藏造成影响,对生烃的影响是一个重要方面,它至少可以从3个方面影响烃类的生成。一是直接以物质形式参加生烃过程,加氢模拟实验结果表明,深部流体中的氢与有机质可能发生加氢反应而增加烃的产率;二是热效应,深部流体能够携带大量的热,这有助于提高有机质成熟度,加快有机质生烃;三是催化作用,深部流体携带的各种元素可能成为烃源岩生烃的催化剂。深入研究深部流体对东营凹陷油气生成的影响不仅具有重要的理论意义,也具有重大的现实意义。图2表1参13(金之钧摘) The existence of deep fluid activities in Dongying depression has been confirmed. Its main features are geochemical anomalies, heavy metal anomalies, magmatic activities and deep structural anomalies, and paleo-geothermal gradient anomalies. The deep fluid entering the sedimentary basin mainly through deep faults and magmatic eruptions will break the original material energy balance and affect the hydrocarbon accumulation in many aspects. The impact on hydrocarbon generation is an important aspect. At least three Aspects affect hydrocarbon generation. Hydrogenation simulation experiment results show that the hydrogen and organic matter in deep fluid may hydrogenate and increase the yield of hydrocarbon. The second is thermal effect, deep fluid can carry a lot of heat, which It helps to increase the maturity of organic matter and accelerate the hydrocarbon generation of organic matter. The third is catalysis, and the various elements carried by deep fluid may become the catalyst for hydrocarbon generation. Deep research on the influence of deep fluid on hydrocarbon generation in Dongying depression not only has important theoretical significance, but also has great practical significance. Figure 2 Table 1 Reference 13 (Kim Jun Jun pick)
非均质地层中烃类的扩散流和达西流可以同时存在,并可相互转换。据 Welte等 1997年计算,在致密泥岩层中,扩散流和达西流的流速分别为18m/Ma和15m/Ma,说明在致密地层中这两种