三日游: 1.烟台接机,乘车赴威海泛华高尔夫球场打球(18洞); 2.赴牟平高尔夫球场打球(27洞); 3.上午市内观光,下午赴烟台机场离境。 四日游: 1.烟台接机,赴烟台南山高尔夫球场入住; 2.在南山高尔夫球场全天打球(27洞); 3.上午南山高尔夫球场打球
Three days: 1. Yantai pick up, drive to Weihai Golf Course (18 holes); 2. Go to Muping Golf Course (27 holes); 3. Morning sightseeing in the city, the afternoon departure to Yantai Airport. 4 days: 1. Yantai pick-up, to Yantai Nanshan Golf Course; 2. Nanshan Golf Course playing all day (27 holes); 3. Nanshan Golf Course play