查阅一下最近十年来各种报刊上发表 的谈“养生保健”的文章,引用频率最多的 一句名言就是:“生命在于运动”。这本是 18世纪法国的著名哲学家、启蒙思想家伏 尔泰的哲理名言。对于哲学家所说的名言 警句,应从更深的层次上体会其哲理意味, 可是许多人因为平时缺乏哲理思考的习 惯,所以往往随心所欲地把哲学家的名言 作了庸俗化的理解;现在的确有不少人,尤 其是热衷于体育运动的人,即常常把“生命 在于运动”直译成:要健康长寿就得多多参 加体育运动!……说的人多了,便成为社会 上的一种约定俗成,以致还有不少机构居 然把这当作正式研究的课题。例如最近国 外就有人为了证明“生命在于(体育)运 动”,曾专门调查日常生活中缺乏体育运动 的人或久坐的生活方式如何影响健康,据 说这是全球死亡和伤残的十大原因之一, 每年因此导致全球200多万人死亡云云……
Check out the articles published in various newspapers and magazines published in the last decade about the article “Health Care”. The most frequently quoted quote is: “Life is movement.” This is a famous eighteenth-century French philosopher, enlightenment thinker Voltaire’s famous philosophical. Philosophers say aphorisms, should be deeper understanding of the philosophical meaning, but many people because of the usual lack of philosophical thinking habits, so often freewheeling philosopher’s famous words made a vulgar understanding; there is indeed no Fewer people, especially those keen on sports, often transcribe “life is movement” into many ways: to be healthy and longevity, to participate in sports! ... Too many people have become social conventions, As a result, quite a few organizations actually regard this as a topic for formal study. For example, some people abroad recently demonstrated that “Life is Sports (Sports)”. They have specifically investigated how the daily life of people who lack physical activity or sedentary lifestyles affect their health. This is said to be the top 10 causes of death and disability in the world First, every year, more than 2 million people worldwide are killed.