Land Use/Cover Change and Its Policy Implications in Typical Agricul-ture-forest Ecotone of Central

来源 :中国地理科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honest
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During the 21st century,policies toward agriculture,forestry,and urbanization have emerged to ensure food security,ecolo-gical restoration,and human well-being by managing land in Northeast China.However,the integrated effects and relationships of vari-ous policies are still not well understood.This study observed the land use land cover changes in Central Jilin from 2000 to 2019 and,by considering policy involvement,aimed to understand the effects and trade-offs of policies.Results showed that the cropland,including dryland and rice paddy,and the forest,including coniferous forest and deciduous forest,are dominant land types in Central Jilin.During 2000-2019,the land changed diversely,of which the main changes were the expanded dryland(+0.43 million ha),the increased decidu-ous forest(+22 million ha),the decreased coniferous forest(-0.08 million ha),and the expanded urban settlement(+0.04 million ha).With these changes,despite the unit grain yield showing a rising trend,the yield contribution of Central Jilin to the national total de-creased.The poor cultivating structure made for the cropland expansion and reduced the implementation space of environmental restora-tion projects such as the Grain to Green.Thus,in Central Jilin that transits from the agri-food production zone to the eco-regulation zone,environmental projects coexisted in a trade-off manner with agricultural policies that aim to liberate agricultural productivity.In the key urban agglomerations of Central Jilin,the increase in the proportion of green space improved the thermal environment and car-bon balance.The gross domestic product of the large city and its local proportion also rose.These improvements benefited from the pro-motion of development policies and urbanization policies at key time points.In the future,it is necessary to coordinate agricultural policies and environmental projects and promote the progress of small-and medium-sized cities to ensure the equality of regional devel-opment.This study has implications for making decisions to revitalize Northeast China and researchers who inform decisions.
今年起国家将全面实行投资项目法人责任制、招标投标制、工程监理制、合同管理制 ,健全投资约束机制 ,促进企业成为投资的行为主体和责任主体。深化投融资体制改革 ,推动企业
近年来,冀西北高寒区试种、推广种植食荚碗豆,亩纯收入达1500元以上。 一、对环境条件的要求 食荚碗豆喜欢在凉爽的气候条件下生长。种子发芽适温为6~12℃,生长发育温度为15~2