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大兴安岭地区行政公署,各市、县人民政府,省政府各直属单位:为贯彻落实省委九届四次全会和省委工作会议精神,抓好各项重点工作的落实,现将《关于国有企业改革的工作方案》、《关于发展民营经济的工作方案》、《关于做大做强畜牧业的工作方案》和《关于大项目建设的工作方案》印发给你们,请认真组织实施。2003年7月28日 Daxinganling Administrative Office, municipalities and counties, and provincial governments directly affiliated units: In order to implement the spirit of the Fourth Session of the Provincial Party Committee and the work conference of the Provincial Party Committee and to implement the key tasks, the current reform of state-owned enterprises The work plan, the Work Plan for Developing a Private Economy, the Work Plan for Making Animal Husbandry Bigger and Stronger, and the Work Plan for Large-scale Project Construction are printed and distributed to you. Please carefully organize the implementation. July 28, 2003
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我有些担心:“这可不是玩游戏,弄不好,你会被它‘亲’的。”教室遭遇战星期六,我去学英语,走进教室,刚坐下,就发现身边的窗户上有一只马蜂 I am a bit worried: “This is
本文通过对框架柱、梁与填充墙之间的裂缝原因进行分析,提出了预防措施。 In this paper, the causes of cracks between the frame columns, beams and infill walls are a
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