
来源 :国外医学(内科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longfire6082
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女,26岁,因渐进性黄疸及临产而入院。一向体健,两周半前即首次妊娠第30周时出现上呼吸道感染症状,随即有头痛、厌食、恶心及呕吐而就医。给羟氨苄青霉素两剂后,呕吐仍不止,至其他医院予以静脉输液,仍持续呕吐。入院前3天,出现黄疸。凝血酶原时间19sec(对照13sec),胆红素7.8mg%,谷草转氨酶(SGOT)248U,谷丙转氨酶(SGPT)273U,硷性磷酸酶(AKP)625U,腹部超声检查未发现胆石及胆道扩大。每日注射维生素 K,凝血酶原时间继续增至22sec。入院前1日,呕吐加重,并带有咖啡样物。晚上作产,输入冷冻新鲜血浆1U,送院。患者曾任秘书工作。饮少量啤酒,饮食均衡,妊娠期体重增加7.7kg。母有胆囊切除史。无服用四环 Female, 26 years old, admitted to hospital for progressive jaundice and labor. Has been healthy, two weeks and a half before the first 30 weeks of pregnancy symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, then there are headache, anorexia, nausea and vomiting and medical treatment. Give amoxicillin two doses, vomiting is still more than to other hospitals to be intravenous infusion, still sustained vomiting. 3 days before admission, jaundice appeared. Prothrombin time 19sec (control 13sec), bilirubin 7.8mg%, aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT) 248U, alanine aminotransferase (SGPT) 273U, alkaline phosphatase (AKP) 625U, abdominal ultrasound showed no gallstone and biliary enlargement . Daily injection of vitamin K, prothrombin time continued to increase to 22sec. On the first day before admission, vomiting aggravated with coffee samples. Produce at night, enter the frozen fresh plasma 1U, to hospital. Patient worked as a secretary. Drink a small amount of beer, a balanced diet, weight gain during pregnancy 7.7kg. The mother has a history of cholecystectomy. No need to take the ring
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甘海子位于四川省九寨沟县以西 65 km、距九寨沟口以西 2 0 km,海拔 2 80 0~ 30 0 0 m,为川西山地少见的天然湿地。藏民坪是一块高出甘海子湿地 2 0 m以上的大型台地 ,地形平
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我国10亿多人口中有7亿多人生活在农作农村人口的劳动素质如何?直接关系到国民经济的发展。现阶段农民劳动素质如何呢?试以一县为例: 湖南石门县总人口65.9万余人,农业人口
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