大力提高经济增长的质量和效益 促进工业经济的良性循环

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1994年深圳市工业企业不断深化改革,以市场为导向积极调整产品结构,克服了资金紧张、流通渠道不畅等诸多不利因素,使工业经济保持了持续、快速发展的势头.但经济增长的质量和效益尚不尽人意,突出反映在:一是有些产品不能适应市场需求,产成品积压增加.以电子行业为例,今年3月份产成品存货达12.56亿元,比年初增长2.2亿元;流动资产平均余额82.87亿元,比年初净增15.81亿元.二是企业亏损增加.去年全市独立核算工业企业亏损7.02亿元,比上年增加4.76亿元,增长2.1倍;亏损面19%,比上年扩大6.6%;亏损户达348家,比上年增加106户,增长43.8%.三是部分产品附加值低,科技进步含量低,科技进步贡献率为30%,虽高于全国平均水平,但远远低于发达国家的50~70%.四 In 1994, Shenzhen’s industrial enterprises continued to deepen reforms, actively adjusted their product mix with market orientation, overcame many unfavorable factors such as tight funding and poor distribution channels, and kept the industrial economy in a sustained and rapid development. However, the quality of economic growth The benefits are still not satisfactory. They are mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, some products cannot meet market demand and the backlog of finished products increases. Taking the electronics industry as an example, the inventory of finished products reached 1.256 billion yuan in March this year, an increase of 220 million yuan over the beginning of the year; The average balance of assets was 8.287 billion yuan, a net increase of 1.581 billion yuan from the beginning of the year. Second, the company’s losses increased. Last year, the city’s independent accounting industrial enterprises lost 702 million yuan, an increase of 476 million yuan over the previous year, an increase of 2.1 times; the loss was 19%, The number of loss-making households increased by 6.6% in the previous year; the number of loss-making households reached 348, an increase of 106 households over the previous year, an increase of 43.8%. Third, the added value of some products is low, the content of scientific and technological progress is low, and the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress is 30%, although higher than the national average. , but far below the 50 to 70% of developed countries.
编辑同志: 人武部收归军队建制近两年来,设施建设有很大加强和改善,但没有微机、复印机的人武部只能到地方打(复)印,不仅成本高,而且很容易造成失泄密。 因此,笔者认为,一是
公元1965年2月间,海军东海舰队司令部在陶勇司令员的亲自部署下,精心筹备了隆重的吴淞口大检阅。 时间定于3月8日,迎接以巴基斯坦共和国总统阿尤布汗元帅为首一行40余人的政
这张报表能拒绝填写报吗?吴律师: 1995年1月,中国企业评价协会、《管理世界》杂志所属的中国企业评价中心为进一步了解我国大中型工业企业生产经营活动的基本情况,保证1995