当1999年第10期《福建党史月刊》和大家见面时,已是本刊创办17年,出版发行整整200期。对一个刊物来说,17年与200期的路是漫长的,经过了几任编辑人员的艰苦跋涉。回首过去,我们豪情满怀;展望未来,我们充满信心。“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”《福建党史月刊》编辑部的全体工作人员,决心百尺竿头,更上一层楼。决心在新的起点上,为努力把刊物办得更加丰富多彩,更好地宣传党的光辉历史和革命传统,更好地为精神文明建设和实行爱国主义教育而不懈求索。 《福建党史月刊》的前身是《福建党史通讯》和《革命人物》。它们分别创刊于1982年和1985年,头几年不定期出版。1988年,两刊合并,取名为《福建党史月刊》,正式向全国公开发行。至今按一期一册,印发的刊物已有1米高,20多公斤重。它汇聚了4 000多篇、1200多万字的党史著述,从各个角
When the 10th period in 1999, “Fujian Party History Monthly” and meet you, it is 17 years of this magazine was founded, published a full 200 issues. For a publication, the 17 and 200 roads are lengthy and go through a trek of editorial staff. Looking back, we are full of pride; looking forward, we are full of confidence. “The long way to go Xi, I will search from top to bottom.” “Fujian history magazine” editorial staff of all, determined to success, a higher level. They are determined to make unrelenting efforts to make the publications more colorful and better publicized the party’s glorious history and revolutionary traditions, and to better construct and implement patriotic education for spiritual civilization on a new starting point. The predecessor of “Fujian Party History Monthly” is “Fujian Party History Communication” and “Revolutionary People.” They were founded in 1982 and 1985, respectively, in the first few years from time to time. In 1988, the two titles merged and was named “Fujian Party History Monthly” and officially released to the whole country. So far according to a period of one, the publication of the publication has been 1 meter high, more than 20 kilograms. It brings together more than 4,000 articles, more than 12 million words of the history of the party history, from all angles