第一讲 小麦幼苗期生育特点与培育壮苗

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小麦是人类的重要粮食作物,小麦的一生,可分为幼苗期(营养器官形成期),器官建成期(营养器官,生殖器官同时形成期),以及籽粒形成期(结实器官形成期)三个阶段。这三个阶段是相对独立而又互相联系的,前阶段是后阶段的基础;而后阶段又是前阶段的进一步发展,从而完成小麦的一生。因此,人类的栽培活劫,必须针对每一 Wheat is an important human food crop. The life of wheat can be divided into three stages: seedling stage (vegetative organ formation stage), organ build-up stage (vegetative organs and reproductive organs simultaneous formation stage), and grain formation stage stage. These three stages are relatively independent and interrelated, the first stage is the foundation of the latter stage, and the second stage is the further development of the previous stage to complete the life of the wheat. Therefore, the cultivation of mankind must be targeted at each one
English news which is a kind of mass media can be divided into two forms,say,the written form and the oral form.The written form we generally say is paper news
目的:观察背俞穴穴位注射黄芪注射液治疗肠易激综合征的疗效并探讨其作用机理。 方法:按照病例纳入标准选择病例,采用随机数字表法,分为治疗组和对照组。治疗组采用黄芪注射
极地冰芯的研究对于揭示过去环境的变化规律和预测未来气候环境具有重要意义 ,我国科学家在此领域取得了一系列丰硕成果 ,跨入了国际领先行列。冰芯微生物的研究在国外近年来才刚刚开始 ,并且日益受到重视。南北极和低纬度地区高山冰川深层冰芯中封藏着几千年甚至几十万年的微生物 ,对它们的研究将为微生物多样性研究、过去环境的变迁、生物基因的进化甚至生命起源的研究开辟新的途径
1 Introduction Many teachers or students may have the same opinion that writing is a very complicated task during the process of language learning.So many forei
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