来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnmaac
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To study the tribological properties of the piston ring-cylinder liner in liquid-solid lubrication, the experiment is carried out on a modified piston ring-cylinder liner tester. Two kinds of liquid-solid lubricants are used, one with ultra-dispersed diamond (UDD) nano-particles suspending in pure lubricant, the other with micro-sized M0S2 particles. The particle concentrations are 0%, 0.02% and 0.1% by weight. The experimental temperature is 30℃ and 75℃ respectively. The results show that with the presence of ultra-dispersed diamond particles, the load when scuffing failure occurs is increased.For the lubricant contains MoS2 particles, the scuffing load is decreased. The liquid-solid lubricant also affects the thermal behavior of piston ring-cylinder liner. The surface bulk temperatures of cylinder liner specimen are measured. It has been seen that liquid-solid lubricant used in this research tends to improve the thermal properties generally and the measured friction forces also decreases with the presence of UDD nano-particles. The surface bulk temperature when scuffing occurs is also measured. The results show that the size effect and environment temperature have obvious influence on scuffing load and scuffing temperature. With some new findings, this work is an important complement to the existing research on particle effect on lubrication, because the existing results only show one aspect of this problem. To study the tribological properties of the piston ring-cylinder liner in liquid-solid lubrication, the experiment is carried out on a modified piston ring-cylinder liner tester. Two kinds of liquid-solid lubricants are used, one with ultra-dispersed diamond ( The particle concentrations are 0%, 0.02% and 0.1% by weight. The experimental temperature is 30 ° C and 75 ° C respectively. The results show that with UDD) nano-particles suspending in pure lubricant, the other with micro-sized M0S2 particles. the presence of ultra-dispersed diamond particles, the load when scuffing failure occurs is increased. For the lubricant containing MoS2 particles, the scuffing load is decreased. The liquid-solid lubricant also affects the thermal behavior of piston ring-cylinder liner. bulk temperature of cylinder liner specimen are measured. It has been seen that liquid-solid lubricant used in this research tends to improve the thermal properties generally and the measured friction forces also d The results show that the size effect and environment temperature have obvious influence on scuffing load and scuffing temperature. With some new findings, this work is an important complement to the existing research on particle effect on lubrication, because the existing results only show one aspect of this problem.
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