The Cultural Elements in the Learning of English

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  One Language and Culture
  1.1 Definition of Culture
  Culture is all the materials,systems and spirits that the human race has created.It includes the following main items.One,all that the nature brings to us such as mountains and rocks can’t be called culture.Two,even what the human race created at the age of barbarism can be called culture.Three,those that aren’t created by the human race can’t be called culture.Four,culture is created by the human race on purpose,while the substances,which take shape unintentionally,can’t be called culture.
  1.2 The Relationship between Culture and Language
  Language is a part of culture,which is best defined as “the totality of beliefs and practices of a society”.Language and culture cannot exist without each other.
  Language is a special culture.First,it is the product of prehistoric time and it is the unintentional creation.It’s different from the creativeness of culture completely.Second,it belongs to neither the subjective world nor the objective world.It is something between the subjective world and the objective world.Thirdly,it is not only the carrier of culture,but also the reflection of culture.
  Language is the most important carrier of culture and can include the whole information of culture,while the other carriers can only show a part of culture,and even a very small part of culture.Sometimes language needs to depend on written word to record something such as events in history.It seems that written word is the most important carrier of culture.But from the linguistic point of view,the written word is only a symbol for recording human speech.Language is the main manifestation of culture.Different languages reflect the differences of culture of different countries.The differences of culture are mainly shown in the historic traditions,social systems,life styles and cultural customs etc.Therefore,learning the knowledge of culture is the key of learning the culture.There is not any language which exists without the cultural background.
  1.3 The Importance of Learning Culture While Learning English
  Different languages have different cultural backgrounds.Because of different cultural backgrounds,people with different languages may easily misunderstand each other when they talk if they aren’t aware of the differences.Because of different cultural backgrounds,one may make the listeners laugh when he or she talks about a serious problem,and maybe the listeners may be offended at a comment which bears no ill will.Because of different backgrounds,the listeners may not laugh when they hear a joke told by a foreigner.
  Different languages reflect the differences of culture of different countries.Language is the most important carrier of culture.And English is no exception.We must pay attention to it and shouldn’t learn English isolated,unilateral.We are introduced the culture of English speaking countries such as their food culture,life style,social intercourse,history background,literary etc.At the same time,we understand the differences between the eastern culture and western culture.As a result,we can grasp the soul of English and use it appropriately.
  When we learn a foreign language,we are sure to learn the knowledge of social culture of the foreign language.When children learn the language of a nationality,they learn the culture of this nationality as well.Therefore,language and the using of language cannot be divorced from culture.The American famous linguist Mr.Sappier point out,
  “Culture can be explained as what people in the society do and think,while language is the specific manifestation of thought.”
  As a matter of fact,learning English is learning the culture of English speaking countries.Just as D.Brown says,
  “Learning a second language is learning a second culture.”
  Therefore,we can say that it is quite important to learn the culture in the learning of English.
  Chapter Two The Cultural Elements in English Learning
  2.1 The Differences between English and Chinese Words
  In our English learning,we cannot avoid meeting some English words,which have their own cultural background.Here we have some examples.
  1.Some words in Chinese don’t have the equivalent words in English.
  “夏练三伏,冬练三九” is a Chinese proverb to encourage people to build up a good physique.It means that in summer keep exercising during the hottest days,and in winter do the same thing in the coldest days.There isn’t an English equivalent for this item.
  The Chinese item “芝麻酱煮饺子” also doesn’t have an English equivalent.English speakers just don’t understand “芝麻酱” and “饺子”.In western countries,people often say “It is packed like sardines.” to express that it is too crowded in a place.If we speak to an English speaker,we should use the English term “It is packed like sardines.” instead of translating this Chinese term into English mechanically.
  Some concepts have their own words both in Chinese and English; however,they don’t completely refer to the same things.
  Now look at the following terms which can easily lead to confusion.
  “high school” doesn’t mean “高等學校”.It is “middle school” in the USA.
  “rest room” doesn’t mean “休息室”.It is a room with toilet articles in a theatre or shopping centre.
  “busybody” doesn’t mean “大忙人”.It refers to the person who always interferes in other people’s private affairs.
  2.A same thing,living thing or concept,which is expressed in one word in Chinese,may be expressed in a few or more words in English.
  We may have many difficulties when we talk with English speakers.For example,“Linda’s brother married Michael’s sister” is hard to be translated into Chinese because both brother and sister have two meanings (elder brother or younger brother,elder sister or younger sister).There are many other words,which also belong to this kind of terms,such as “uncle,aunt,grandfather and grandmother etc.They may easily cause confusion.
  In Chinese we use“公” and“母”(or“雌”and“雄”) for the sex of animals,while in English some male or female animals have their own terms.What’s more,they have their own terms for baby animals.
  2.2 The Cultural Differences between English and Chinese in Daily Life
  2.2.1 Greetings
  In China,people often greet each other by asking,“Have you eaten yet?” But in English speaking countries,to ask the same question means something else.The question “Have you eaten yet?” would often mean the person who is asking hasn’t eaten and would like the other person to join him or her for a meal.Chinese people also often greet each other by asking,“Where are you going?” But if you said this to an English speaking person,especially someone whom you don’t know well,he or she might think that you are rather “nosy”,that it’s none of your business.
  But in English speaking countries,people say “Good morning”,“Good afternoon” and “Good evening” to greet each other.They all mean “Hello” or “Hi”.Glad to meet you and Pleased to meet you are phrases people say at a first meeting when they are introduced to someone.
  So when we meet a foreigner,we must greet him or her in the way of their country.If we aren’t aware of this,misunderstanding may be caused.
  2.2.2 Ways of addressing people
  Ways of addressing people are also different in Chinese and English.In China,we often use “Tongzhi”,“Lao” or “Xiao” as in Li Tongzhi,Lao Li,Xiao Li.Lately many people just the term “Shifu”,especially when addressing an unacquainted person.But English speakers don’t address people this way.So it is not proper to call the foreigners “Old Jones” or “Young Smith” or “Teacher Brown”.They usually use Mr.for a male and Mrs.,Miss or Ms for a female.
  We can also see the cultural difference on praises.When hearing other people’s praise,Chinese people and westerners answer in different ways.English speakers accept the praise,while Chinese think they are not good enough.When an English speaker says,“Your dress is really nice.” English people must answer,“Thank you”,while in our Chinese way,we will say,“No,it’s not nice.” Thus the comment will make the English speaker feel surprised.It will make him or her think that we mean he or she doesn’t have aesthetic judgment.
  2.2 The Idioms and Proverbs in English
  Idioms and proverbs are important parts in a language and culture.They are usually hard to understand.What’s more,they are hard to be used properly.However,whether a person can use idioms and proverbs correctly or not shows the person’s level of using a language.Here we have a humor.A foreign student studying in the USA was reading by the window in his room.Suddenly he heard a voice,“Look out!” He quickly put his head out of the window.A board nearly hit him.He was angry and afraid.At that time,a person said,“Didn’t you hear me call ‘look out’?” He answered,“Yes,that’s what I did.” No matter whether it is true or not,it at least tells us that it is difficult to learn English idioms.The reason is that some English idioms have several or more Chinese meanings and we can’t guess their meanings just from the appearance.For instance,“make up” can be translated as “彌补、赔偿、拼凑、配制、编排、编制、虚构、捏造、化妆”etc.Idioms are the cream of the language.They are more typical and representative.And they have national color as well.It seems that English idioms are quite difficult.Actually,if we have enough patience,they are just a piece of cake.We can’t guess their meanings just from the appearance,neither.Now let’s take some English idioms as examples.
  “To take one’s hair stand on end” isn’t equivalent to “令人发指”.It can be paraphrased as “very afraid seeing or hearing a terrible thing”.It can be translated as “令人毛骨悚然” instead of “令人发指”.
  “To eat one’s own words” doesn’t mean “自食其言”.It means “take back one’s own words.
  Proverbs are meaningful sayings among the people.They have substantial content and are infectious.Generally speaking,proverbs reflect geography,history,social system,social ideas and attitude of a nationality.For example,some nationalities live by the seashore.They make a living by the sea.So their proverbs usually have something to do with sailing.Look at the following proverbs.
  “Where there is smoke there is fire.” can be translated as “无风不起浪”.
  “No great loss without some small gain.” means “塞翁失马,焉知非福”.
  We can see from the above examples that most proverbs don’t have the equivalents in Chinese.We must bear in mind about their Chinese meanings.
  2.4 The Metaphors in English
  There are many metaphors in English,which can’t be understood easily.We can come across terms such as:
  “ ‘You chicken!’ He cried looking at Tom with contempt.” Here “chicken” can’t be translated as “雞”.It should be translated as “胆小鬼、懦夫”.
  “A bull in a china shop” can be paraphrased as a person who acts very rudely and makes trouble easily.“As wise as an owl” means a person who is very clever,just as clever as an owl.In western countries,an owl is the symbol of wisdom.Yet in China an owl means bad luck.People dislike it at all.
  We can see from the above-mentioned examples that because of different culture we can hardly guess the meanings just from the appearance of the words.
  2.5 The Allusions in English
  Almost all the people use some typical characters or events about history,literature or religion.The character and event are called “allusion”.It is the rich cultural heritage of language.Many English allusions come from English literature,especially from works of the great writer Shakespeare.For example,“forgive and forget” means forgive a person and forget his or her mistakes.“That’s all Greek to me” means “I know nothing about it.”
  2.6 The Taboos in English
  There are certain subjects,which should be avoided when talking with English speakers.For example,in China it is all right to ask someone how old he or she is,or how much he or she earns,but such questions would be considered too personal in all English speaking countries.Therefore,special attention should be paid to these subjects when we communicate with English speakers.
  2.7 The Importance of the Cultural Elements in the Learning of English
  From the above cultural elements we have mentioned,we can see that the cultural elements are so helpful in our English learning.If we want to grasp English,we must grasp them.Otherwise,we cannot really grasp English.If we want to overcome the difficulties caused by the cultural differences,we must get to grasp and use the cultural elements from the point of the language that we learn.It is obvious that if we don’t pay attention to the cultural elements,we can certainly not use English freely.Therefore,the cultural elements are very important in the learning of English.
  Chapter Three Some Tips about Learning Culture
  Since it’s so important to learn culture while learning English,we should try to grasp culture when we are learning it.Here are some tips about how to learn culture while learning English.
  We can learn culture from the textbooks,English newspapers,magazines and literary books.We can often see dialogues and short passages in our English textbooks.These can help us to learn the culture.For example,after learning “English Names”,we know the culture about English names.After learning “Christmas”,we know something about holidays.From “What do English people eat?”,we can know the life style of westerners.We can learn culture from English newspapers,magazines and literary books as well.If possible,we can learn culture from English native speakers.We can learn culture by watching English films.English films can certainly reflect the culture of English speaking countries.So if we often watch films,of course we can get familiar with the English culture.
  From the above discussion we can now conclude that it is quite important to learn the culture in the learning of English.Learning a foreign language also involves learning culture — a second culture.No one can learn English well if he or she is ignorant of the culture of English speaking countries.Please learn the culture while learning English,so that we can master the language and use it appropriately.
  What we have discussed is helpful for English learners yet not complete.We sincerely hope that in the near future more research work will be done in this field.
医学影像学是一门理论性和实践性均很强的应用科学,包括X线、超声、磁共振成像(MRI)、核医学及介入影像学等。主要用于临床各种疾病的诊断和治疗,是影像医学生必需掌握的一门课程,是成为一名合格影像医生的必备技能。    一、学习医学影像学的重要性    1.是适应医学快速发展的需要。随着计算机及数字化技术的快速发展,医学影像检查设备不断创新,医学影像学已经成为当今医学新兴重要学科。近几年我国许多大型医
摘 要:电工电子技术课程是高职院校非电工科专业中开设的一门专业必修课。本文针对目前电工电子技术教学过程中存在的一些问题,提出解决的方法,以求对教学质量的提高和学生综合能力的培养起到积极的作用。  关键字:非电专业;电工电子技术;教学方法    社会的不断进步,科学技术的高速发展,电工电子技术已经渗透到社会生产、生活的各个方面,很难想象哪个工科专业能够完全脱离电工电子技术,它已经成为人们不可缺少的工
摘 要:本文从“激发学生的学习兴趣,启迪学生的思维;运用类比方法,培养学生创新思维;巧设探索性问题,培养学生创新思维”三个方面,阐述了如何在小学数学教学中激发学生的兴趣,启迪学生的思维,培养学生分析问题与解答问题的能力,提高学生的创新思维能力。  关键词:激发兴趣 运用类比 巧設问题    思维能力是一切能力的核心,它是通过对事物的感知、表象进行分析、概括、归纳而获得事物本质的能力。一个人的思维能
比较就是确定事物同异关系的思维过程和方法。它的实用范围极为广泛,在文学、法学、政治、经济等领域中早就普遍广泛地运用了。有比较才能有鉴别,有鉴别才能有发现有创造。笔者以为在我们中学语文教学中,不妨也可以尝试运用比较法。  由于作家思想素质、文化修养的不同,在文章中表现出来的思想内容和艺术特色是不相同的。为能把握文章的思想特征,领略文章的艺术特色,我们运用比较法教学是必要的。  再从完成中学语文教学的
论语说:高山仰止,景行行之;见贤思贤,向名师学习,是教师一致的追求。从某种意义上来说,教师都在用一辈子的学习来准备一堂课。正所谓:台上一分钟,台下十年功。如何上好一节语文课,这恐怕也是辛勤耕耘在语文教坛上老师的困惑。随着教学改革的推进,语文教学也在摸索新的道路。如何上好语文课,就我的从教经验总结出以下几点:  一、认真备课,深入钻研教材  1、理解文本,对教材有独到的见解和剪裁  理解教材的能力是
摘 要:未来社会是一个开放的、互助的社会,这就需要我们的下一代应具有良好的社会交往能力,然而,今天的独生子女恰恰缺乏与人交往、合作的机会,他们身上或多或少地有着不合群、自私等表现。因此,培养、提高幼儿的交往能力,为今后形成积极乐观的生活态度、活泼开朗的性格和良好的社会品德,有着非常重要的作用。我们通过一系列的活动加强对幼儿交往能力的培养,使幼儿今后成为顺应时代发展的人打下了基础。  关键词:交往能
课外延伸阅读,是指在教师的的引导启发下,学生自觉地在课外选择与课堂所学的语文知識相应、由课堂教学的诸多层面而延伸的相关读物,并根据个体实际情况、发挥个人主观能动性,采取适当的方式,从中获取有益的信息,形成自身知识阅读。开展课外延伸阅读,应注意以下几点:  一、选取适当的阅读材料  形式多样、难易适中、富有趣味的阅读材料,能激发学生的学习积极性,从而自觉地对材料进行多角度、多层级的研读、体味和欣赏,
古人云:亲其师,信其道。其意思就是学生只有和老师亲近了,才会信任老师,相信老师所说的,接受老师的教育。担任班主任这些年来,我对这句话感触颇深。班主任不仅担任所任科目的教学工作,还要负责班级的管理工作。所以对于一个班主任来说,使学生“亲其师,信其道”具有更重要的意义。  在日常的教学工作中,班主任如果能够做到融洽师生关系、让学生亲近自己,能很好地与学生融洽相处,不仅使教学效果大大提高,更能在班级管理
摘要:拓展运动的出现,给体育教学方法的改革带来了新思路、新方法。它使得人们不再意味的讲究体能、技巧的掌握,而更多地注重个人心智的开发拓展。  关键词:拓展运动 体育教学 教育学    传统的体育教学模式已经被沿用几十年,广大体育工作者已经习惯于这种形式。作为接受这种教育模式的主题,各个年龄段的学生从小学阶段开始就是这样接受体育教育的。这种教育模式本身是一个复杂的、全面培养人的系统工程。通过多少代体