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她抛弃了他,如同扔掉一个在午夜燃尽的烟蒂她伤透了他的心。他用了一生去努力忘记我们看见他一次次一点点喝下心中的痛但他从未喝到足以忘记她的地步直到那晚他把酒瓶放在了头上,并扣动了手枪的扳机他终于饮尽了所有关于她的记忆生命是短暂的,但这一刻它变强大了大于他站起来继续生活所需的力量我们发现他面朝下,倒在枕头上枕边的便笺上写着:我会爱她至死不渝当我们把他安葬在柳树下时天使们唱起了威士忌催眠曲啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 She abandoned him as if she had thrown away a cigarette that burned in the middle of the night and she broke his heart. He used his life to work hard to forget that we saw him swallow the pain of his heart a little bit more and again but he never drank enough to forget her until he put the bottle on his head that night and he pulled the trigger of the pistol. Finally all the memories of her life are short-lived, but at this moment it becomes stronger than the power he needed to stand up and continue to live. We found him facing down and the note on the pillow on the pillow read: I will love her till she die. When we buried him under the willow tree, the angels sang whisky lullaby. La la la la la la la la la la
The price of concentrated nitric acid in the domestic market increased drastically likea “well blowout” in April and May thisyear.The buildup of pressure sta
2008年金秋,我国“神舟七号”航天员迈开了举世瞩目的太空行走第一步。这是我国载人航天事业的又一次突破,也是改革开放30年我国科技实力不断增强的标志 In the autumn of 2
舆论造势、肃反渠道、设置促销陷阱……面对竞争对手雪山压预般的并购策略,且看“冰山”啤酒如何实施反并购。 “冰山”啤酒是统治川渝地区的老牌啤酒企业。两年前.它通过一
在困难时期,活着比什么都重要。俗话说得好:“留得青山在,不怕没柴烧”。这理恰好运用在过冬企业的自救方法上。 In times of difficulty, life is more important than any
【正】 Xu Shibin,Operation Deputy General Manager of Anhui Huaihua Co.,Ltd.:The major reason for the rapidly rising priceof concentrated nitric acid in the seco