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每年的春节,都正值木材生产黄金季节。一到这时,林业局就放长假。作为一线的木材生产工队也不得不停产,让职工回家好好过个团圆年,今年也不例外,这不才阴历二十八,林业局就派车把小工队的职工全部接下了山。高凯不是本地人,原本打算看点,指导员知道后说什么也不同意,对高凯说,你都两个春节没回家了,父母都岁数大了,一定很想念你,今年我来看点,你就放心回家过年吧,千万别忘了按时归队。小工队职工的性格就像大兴安岭的原始森林一样纯朴、粗犷、豪放,不加任何雕琢。高凯是名油锯采伐 The annual Spring Festival, are at the golden season of timber production. By this time, the Bureau of Forestry took a long vacation. As a front-line timber production team also had to stop production, so that workers go home a good reunion Year, this year is no exception, this is the lunar calendar twenty-eight, the Forestry Bureau to send the staff of the car unit to take over all the workers mountain. Gao Kai is not a native, originally intended aspect, the instructor knows what to say after disagreement, said to Gao Kai, you have not returned to the Spring Festival two, parents are older, we must miss you, this year I see Point, you feel comfortable coming home New Year, do not forget to rejoin on time. The character of the workers in the laborer team is as simple as the original forest in the Greater Khingan Range. It is rugged, bold and bold, without any polish. High Kay is a chain saw logging
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