Concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design for Autonomous Mobile Robots

来源 :Journal of Bionic Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjt518
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The concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design (IMD) is presented to show how a mechanical structure can be designed to affect robot controllability, simplification and task performance. Exploring this concept produces landmarks in the territory of mechanical robot design in the form of seven design principles. The design principles, which we call the Mecha-Telligence Principles (MTP), provide guidance on how to design mechanics for autonomous mobile robots. These principles guide us to ask the right questions when investigating issues concerning self-controllable, reliable, feasible, and compatible mechanics for autonomous mobile robots. To show how MTP can be applied in the design process we propose a novel methodology, named as Mecha-Telligence Methodology (MTM). Mechanical design by the proposed methodology is based on preference classification of the robot specification described by interaction of the robot with its environment and the physical parameters of the robot mechatronics. After defining new terms, we investigate the feasibility of the proposed methodology to the mechanical design of an autonomous mobile sewer inspection robot. In this industrial project we show how a passive-active intelligent moving mechanism can be designed using the MTM and employed in the field. The concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design (IMD) is presented to show how a mechanical structure can be designed to affect robot controllability, simplification and task performance. Exploring this Concept gave landmarks in the territory of mechanical robot design in the form of seven design principles. The principles of design, which we call the Mecha-Telligence Principles (MTP), provide guidance on how to design mechanics for autonomous mobile robots. These principles guide us to ask the right questions when investigating issues concerning self-controllable, reliable, feasible, and compatible mechanics for autonomous mobile robots. To show how MTP can be applied in the design process we propose a novel methodology, named as Mecha-Telligence Methodology (MTM). Mechanical design by the proposed methodology is based on preference classification of the robot specification by interaction of the robot with its environment and the physical parameters of the robot mechatronics. After defining new terms, we investigate the feasibility of the proposed methodology to the mechanical design of an autonomous mobile sewer inspection robot. In this industrial project we show how a passive-active intelligent moving mechanism can be designed using the MTM and employed in the field .
学校基层党组织的思想政治工作要把握正确方向,落实科学发展观,强化学习意识,推进创新发展;破除等级思想,树立平等观念;率先垂范,务实求精;把握时代脉博,突出科学方法。 The