Ningxia Institute of Hydraulic Research held a symposium on November 26, 1981 to December 1, 1981 to conduct a special discussion on the development scheme of the Yellow River Heishan Gorge section and the irrigation and drainage of the Yellow River Irrigation Area in Ningxia. At the meeting, comrades from the comprehensive utilization of the Yellow River water resources and northwestern arid areas of land development and regulation of the remediation point of view, agreed that the Daliushu high dam case with large storage capacity, power generation and more submerged losses, storage capacity can be long-term preservation and other prominent advantages of the existing Yellow River upstream can be built The only suitable dam site for large reservoirs is of great significance in solving the problem of insufficient industrial, agricultural and domestic water supply in northwestern and northern China and changing the backwardness of the economy in ethnic minority areas of Ningxia, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia