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  In startling ways, pop culture mirrors long-standing spiritual arguments. In an age where the stage has replaced the 1)pulpit—where the line between the two is all but invisible—morality is played out in the lives of celebrities. This is an 2)unsettling phenomenon. Princess Diana slips into the role of Holy Mother almost equal with 3)Mother Teresa. Michael Jackson’s call to “Heal the World” in a pop song spreads to every corner of the planet and probably touches more people than the Pope’s annual Christmas message.
  With the sudden, sad death of Michael Jackson, Michaelism begins to haunt us. His legendary musical achievements totally overshadow his 4)bizarre and controversial private life. It’s hard not to see Michael Jackson as a king of pop. I could not help but ponder Michael’s nature after I received an e-mail that pointed to “the 5)transcendent feeling he inspired in so many people with his music and his dancing. He seemed to be in another zone when he was performing and took others with him.” I agree. Throughout his solo career, Jackson’s versatility allowed him to experiment with various themes and 6)genres. Unlike many artists, Jackson did not write his songs on paper. Instead he would 7)dictate into a sound recorder; when recording he would sing from memory. In 1979, his album Off the Wall became the first album to 8)spawn four US top 10 hits. Awards were showered on him and the stage was set for his most remarkable achievement—1982’s Thriller, which remains the world’s biggest-selling album.
  However, aside from the title of King of Pop, he also won a less welcome nickname— 9)Wacko Jacko. Everything he did came under a harsh spotlight, including his rapidly changing appearance. In 2003, Jackson was charged with seven counts of child sexual abuse and two counts of 10)administering an 11)intoxicating 12)agent in order to commit that 13)felony. Finally Jackson was cleared but became a virtual 14)recluse and a 15)nomad, traveling the world with his children. Creditors started to 16)close in on him, possessions were sold and 17)Neverland was left to 18)decay. He was left to rely largely on the support of wealthy friends attracted by his 19)stardom.
  His sudden death has brought him to the position of king of the world, once again. He got what he wanted—immortality.
  He’s going to be bigger in death than he ever was in life. Early death is the perfect career move for someone as big as he was who really didn’t seem to have much of a shot at regaining his former glory, no matter what he did. Look at 20)Elvis.
  I think he was a very 21)shrewd man—playing up the 22)weirdo angle as much as possible for the public because of the old saying that there is no such thing as “bad” publicity. Everyone looked at him. We 23)took the bait. I think he knew exactly what he was doing.
  Now he is dead. Strangers are brought together for this moment, usually through mass media, only to return to being strangers once the moment is gone. The message being communicated is far simpler than the 24)doctrines and 25)dogmas of organized faiths. Did Michael Jackson really heal the world in any meaningful sense? Did it help him be elevated to saintly status when in reality his private life contained more than its share of trouble, confusion, and turmoil?
  He tried to recapture an innocence he saw in children that he was denied and look where that got him. Things only started to really go downhill when the accusations started—then maybe he started to realize that his own children could be taken away from him as a result of his actions. The only thing he ever said publicly that he wanted was to stay young forever, and now he’s going to get his wish. He died very young, and what we’re witnessing now is the 26)deification of a pop star. Modern myths are created around a complicated personality and then a person becomes 27)sanctified for one reason or another. Regardless of whether you loved him or hated him—we’re seeing the creation of a modern myth—no matter what he has done, death sets him flawless and significant, and I’m fascinated by this.
  When Jackson sang Heal the World, to some extent, he did inspire such a feeling that healed his own wrongdoings and ours, even though it lasted for only several minutes. But today, I linger on the rare thing that Michael accomplished. As the King of Pop, he’s made incomparable achievements in the musical 28)arena, and even amidst the grief at his wrongdoings, a remembrance of that still 29)comes through.
  随着迈克尔•杰克逊令人伤感地溘然长逝,“迈克尔主义”开始缠上我们。他极具传奇色彩的音乐成就使他那古怪又充满争议的私生活变得黯然失色。要不将迈克尔•杰克逊视为“流行之王”恐怕很难。我收到过一封电子邮件,里面提及“他(迈克尔)的音乐和舞蹈给那么多的人带来了超然感。在表演的时候,他仿佛置身在另一个世界里,而且把其他人也带到那里去了。” 看着这封邮件,我不禁思考他究竟是怎样的一个人。我同意信中对他的描述。在他的个人演艺生涯中,他多才多艺,这使他可以尝试不同的主题,不同的风格。与许多其他艺人不同,迈克尔•杰克逊创作歌曲不会写在纸上,而是把歌录进录音机里,真正录音时,他会凭着记忆唱出来。1979年,单就《墙外》这个专辑,就产生了四首挺进美国排行榜前十名的歌——这可是史无前例的。接着各种奖项都纷至沓来,而一切都为他最了不起的成就做好了准备——1982年的专辑《颤栗》,其至今仍为世界上最畅销的专辑。
  现在他不在了。一众陌生人都为此聚到一起,这主要归功于大众媒体,待缅怀时刻结束,众人又再形同陌路。此时,被传播的信息比那些有组织的宗教信仰的教义和教条都简单得多。迈克尔•杰克逊真的以某种有意义的方式拯救了世界吗?尽管现实中他的私生活过度烦乱喧嚣,他所谓 “拯救世界”的信念行动能否助他上升到“神”那样的高度呢?



Snow can wait  I forgot my 1)mittens  Wipe my nose  Get my new boots on  I get a little warm in my heart  When I think of winter  I put my hand in my father’s glove    I run off  Where the 2)drifts ge
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“七八年前,一个两岁的孩子都会数数数到15,不是他聪明,而是养成了一有哈马斯袭击警报,就得在15秒内跑到防空洞的习惯。战争伤害了我们的孩子。”以色列驻华大使安泰毅今年一月在接受《中国新闻周刊》记者的专访中如是说。这是来自以色列的故事,但你也可以在加沙找到同样的例子。  巴以冲突由来已久,加沙地带的战火硝烟似乎从未停止过。抛开政治、种族等是是非非的问题,我们应该质疑和反思的,是战争的本质和其造成的严
对宇宙的好奇,对未知的探求一直驱使着人类进行各种各样的探险活动。目前,人类已经完成了许多重大的探险活动,诸如阿波罗登月、到达南极和登上珠穆朗玛峰等。这些壮举改变了人类的世界观,拓展了人类的视野,让人类想要“站得更高,看得更远”!苍茫大地,浩瀚宇宙,的确仍有许多领域有待人类前去探索。下面就一起来看看美国Times 杂志盘点的人类正计划完成的十大探险活动,哪些是你最为期待的呢?    1) Maria
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