云南省巧家县人武部党委着眼形成团结坚强、有战斗力的整体,大力加强党委班子建设,受到了上级的肯定。 一、坚持抓好政治理论学习 部党委从讲政治的高度认识理论学习的重要性。从提高干部素质的要求增强理论学习的紧迫感,明确理论的清醒是政治坚定的基础和前提,用邓小平理论武装头脑是加强
The Qiaoxia County People’s Armed Police Force Party Committee of Yunnan Province focused on forming a strong, combat-friendly whole and vigorously strengthened the construction of party committees and was affirmed by its superiors. First, keep a good grasp of the political theory Part of the party committee from the political level to understand the importance of theoretical study. From the requirement of improving the quality of cadres, we should enhance the sense of urgency for theoretical study, clarify the sober-mindedness of the theory as the basis and prerequisite for political firmness, and argue that using the theory of Deng Xiaoping to reinforce the mind