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天黑了,山谷里有只狼出来找食吃。它抬起头,看到有一个圆圆的、大大的、黄亮黄亮的饼挂在山顶的松树上。它急忙穿过竹林,跳过山沟,一纵一蹦往山上跑。等它跑到山顶上,找到那棵松树,黄亮黄亮的圆饼不见了。一抬头,看见圆饼到了天上,那么高,举起手,捞不到;跳起来,也够不着。狼坐在山顶上,呆呆地望着那圆饼,馋得淌下了口水。那个圆饼慢慢地往前移,往远处移,一点一点移向对面的山头。对面山头上有一块平平的大石头,像一只石盘子。圆饼正好落在这个盘子上。山谷里的狼急急忙忙往对面山头跑,快一点,再快一点,飞也似地奔跑,从这个山头下来,窜到对面的山头上。山那么高,等到跑上对面的山头,天已快亮了。它找到那块像一只盘似的大石头,上面空空的,什么也没有。圆圆亮亮的饼不见了,天上没有,山头上也没有。它转来转去,用鼻子嗅,用脚爪扒,怎么也找不到。它放开嗓子喊叫“啊——是谁吃了饼哪?”山谷里一片“啊——啊——”声,好像许多声音在问。第二天,狼又看到圆饼搁在山头上,它又跑去找,没找到;后来它又追到对面的山头上去找,仍旧没找到。圆饼又不见了。一天又一天,狼还是没有吃到那个饼,可饼却一 Dark, there are wolves in the valley to find food. It looked up and saw a round, big, bright yellow cake hanging on top of a pine tree. It hurried through the bamboo forest, skip the ravine, a vertical and a jumped to the mountain run. When it went to the top of the hill, find the pine tree, yellow bright yellow cake disappeared. Looking up, I saw a round cake to the sky, so high, raised his hand, can not fish; jump up, not enough. Wolf sat on the hill, staring at the round cake, greedy drip saliva. The round cake slowly move forward, move away, move little by little to the opposite hill. On the other side of the hill was a flat stone, like a stone plate. Round cake just fell on this plate. The wolves in the valleys hurried toward the opposite hill and ran faster, faster and farther, and the flies flew like wild horses, and from this hill came down to the opposite hill. The mountain is so high that until it runs across the hill, the sky is already bright. It found the piece of stone like a disk, above the empty, nothing. The round, bright cake was gone, neither in heaven nor on the hill. It turns around, sniffs with the nose, paws with paws, how can not find. It let out his voice shouting “ah - who eats the cake?” A “ah - ah -” sound in the valley, as if many voices were asking. The next day, the wolf saw that the round cake was resting on the hill, and it ran again to find and did not find it. Later it went after it to find the opposite hill and still could not find it. Round cake disappeared. Day by day, the wolf still did not eat the cake, but the cake was one
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