In-phase mode selection of 18-core photonic crystal fiber based on Talbot resonator

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An effective mode selection is important for the multi-core photonic crystal fiber (PCF) to obtain good output. Talbot cavity is popular to lock the in-phase mode, but few satisfactory experimental results have been reported. In this paper, a dual-Talbot cavity with reflected mirrors on each side of PCF is designed to lock the in-phase mode. The design gains the advantage of in-phase mode against out-of-phase mode. What’s more, it can weaken the influence brought by the imperfect end facet of the fiber. The corresponding theoretical analyses and the experiment are taken. The experimental results suggest that the dual-Talbot cavity improves the capacity of mode selection.
研究了用于SG-II装置光束精密瞄准的激光束自动控制系统。用傅里叶光学分析可知,探测激光束位置取 于空间滤波器像传递面,这时近远场像面上衍射噪声最小,光束自动调整时,近远场关联又最小, 可以各自独立调 整。计算机CCD图像处理闭环系统实现了光束自动控制。误差分析和SG-II全系统光束自动控制实验表明, 光束 瞄准精度
Surgical excision is an effective treatment for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), but exact intraoperative differentiation OSCC from the normal tissue is the first premise. As a noninvasive imaging technique, optical coherence tomography (OCT) has the
针对相位敏感光时域反射仪(Φ-OTDR)信号信噪比较低的问题, 提出了一种基于自适应噪声完备经验模态分解(CEEMDAN)的小波信息熵阈值去噪算法。该算法配合CEEMDAN分解, 通过小波信息熵阈值去噪, 提取扰动位置的高频信息, 从而提高系统的信噪比。首先, 采用Savitzky-Golay滤波算法对不同光脉冲间的信号进行预处理; 其次, 采用CEEMDAN将滑动差分后单个脉冲内信号分解为不同的固有模态函数(IMF), 并利用连续均方误差准则确定含噪较多的高频IMF分量; 然后, 采用小波信息熵阈值去噪
The article provides information about the image on the cover of Advanced Photonics, Volume 2, Issue 4.
The authors would like to apologize for an error in our paper in Chin. Opt. Lett. 15(10), 100604 (2017).