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目前,社会主义新农村建设正在稳步推进,广大农村的生产生活基础设施和现代文化传播条件有了显著改善,但由于对中央新农村建设目标和农村文化建设要求的理解偏差,在农村文化遗产保护上出现了一些令人担忧的现象。如有的地方把新农村建设简单理解为盖新房子建新村,在整治村容村貌和改善道路交通过程中,拆除老建筑迁并老村庄,仿建城镇现代式社区楼房;有的在农村文化建设中只进行现代公共文化设施的建设,不顾及传统文化的保护继承,从而造成空前的农村传统文化保存与传承危机。如何深入学习贯彻科学发展观,正确认识、协调经济社会发展与文化遗产保护的关系,让二者相互促进,相得益彰,这是当前新农村建设中需要深入研究的新课题。 At present, the construction of a new socialist countryside is steadily advancing. The production and living infrastructure and the conditions of modern cultural communication in the vast rural areas have been significantly improved. However, due to the poor understanding of the objectives of building a new socialist countryside and the requirements of rural cultural construction, the protection of rural cultural heritage There have been some worrisome phenomena. In some places, we should simply understand the construction of a new countryside as constructing a new house and build a new village. During the process of remediation of the village appearance and the improvement of road traffic, demolish the old buildings and migrate to the old villages and imitate the modern-style community buildings in the towns and villages; In the process of cultural construction, only the construction of modern public cultural facilities is carried out, regardless of the protection and inheritance of traditional culture, thus creating an unprecedented crisis of preservation and inheritance of traditional culture in rural areas. How to thoroughly study and implement the scientific concept of development, correctly understand and coordinate the relationship between economic and social development and the protection of cultural heritage so as to promote each other and complement each other is a new issue that needs further study in the current new rural construction.
(接上期) (五)传统的学校教育教学评价观念和评价制度受到一定冲击,但其地位仍然稳固如前所述,全国范围内的高考、中考制度改革现已拉开序幕,这无疑在考试制度方面为素质教育的
文章结合企业准则、标准在日常工作中的实践运用,对运用中的经验、感受予以总结,并对其作用、差异化进行相同探讨。 Combined with the practice and application of standa