Novel trench gate field stop IGBT with trench shorted anode

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ksxy008
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A novel trench field stop(FS) insulated gate bipolar transistor(IGBT) with a trench shorted anode(TSA)is proposed. By introducing a trench shorted anode, the TSA-FS-IGBT can obviously improve the breakdown voltage. As the simulation results show, the breakdown voltage is improved by a factor of 19.5% with a lower leakage current compared with the conventional FS-IGBT. The turn off time of the proposed structure is 50% lower than the conventional one with less than 9% voltage drop increased at a current density of 150 A/cm~2. Additionally,there is no snapback observed. As a result, the TSA-FS-IGBT has a better trade-off relationship between the turn off loss and forward drop. As a result of the proposed novel trench field stop (FS) insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) with a trench shorted anode (TSA) is proposed The breakdown voltage is improved by a factor of 19.5% with a lower leakage current compared with the conventional FS-IGBT. The turn off time of the proposed structure is 50% lower than the conventional one with less than 9% voltage drop increased As a result, the TSA-FS-IGBT has a better trade-off relationship between the turn off loss and forward drop.
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