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中国大陆当前的上网人数大约为1000万人,不足全国总人口的1%;而此时香港的上网人数比例为14%,新加坡为17%,韩国为13%,台湾为16%,澳大利亚为26%,美国大约为40%。巧的是,印度和中国处于同一量级,上网人数比例也不及总人口的1%。由此看来,互联网也未能改变毛主席关于三个世界的划分,中国在互联网经济中还是属于第三世界国家。如果真是这样,那么我们这些在新世纪中准备大展宏图、报效祖国的青年人岂不是只能恨自己生不逢时了。 但是,互联网毕竟不同于耕地或者其他稀缺资源,它不具有独占性或者收缩性。互联网中隐藏着无止境、不断扩张并供人类分享的机遇和价值。百分之一的上网人数并不能成为耻辱的依据,它恰恰证实了中国在新经济中潜在着巨大的新兴市场和商机。目前在美国NASDAQ上市的371家互联网公司的市值为1万多亿美元,而2003年世界电子商务中仅B to B一项将会达到几万亿美元。互联网确实是一个大饼。中国在这块饼中会占有多大的份额呢?中国在三年之后上网人数比例会是多少?30%?10%?5%?如果以平均每年80%的速度增长,2003年中国的上网人数大约为11%。如果真能达到这一比例,中国的经济将获得再次飞跃。这是一个良好的远景。实现这一远景需要有政府的支持,有电信部门的支持,互联网公司自身的努 At present, the number of people accessing the Internet in mainland China is about 10 million, less than 1% of the total population of the country. At this time, Hong Kong's Internet users are 14%, Singapore is 17%, South Korea is 13%, Taiwan is 16%, and Australia is 26%. %, The United States is about 40%. Coincidentally, India and China are in the same order of magnitude, and the proportion of people accessing the Internet is less than 1% of the total population. From this, the Internet has failed to change Chairman Mao's division on the three worlds. China still belongs to the third world in the Internet economy. If so, then will not we only hate ourselves when these young people, who are preparing for a grand opening in the new century and serving the motherland, will not live by themselves. However, the Internet, after all, differs from cultivated land or other scarce resources in that it is not exclusive or contradictory. The Internet is hiding the opportunities and values ​​that are endless, constantly expanding, and for humanity to share. One percent of Internet users can not be stigmatized, and it just confirms China's potentially huge emerging markets and business opportunities in the new economy. The current market capitalization of 371 Internet companies listed on the NASDAQ in the United States is more than 1 trillion U.S. dollars, while in 2003 the world's only B to B in e-commerce would have hit several trillion U.S. dollars. The Internet is really a pie. What percentage of China's share in the pie? What percentage of China's population will be online after three years? 30%? 10%? 5%? If the average annual growth of 80%, China's Internet users in 2003 About 11%. If this ratio can really be reached, China's economy will have another leap forward. This is a good perspective. The realization of this vision requires the support of the government, the support of the telecommunications sector, the efforts of the Internet companies themselves
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