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谈及中国的轻卡,就不得不提起“嘎斯”、北京130和五十铃,这三个品牌在不同的历史时期,四处开花,即使不能说是福泽百姓的话,也够得上是为中国轻卡产业的发展“鞠躬尽瘁”了。也有人将其戏称为支撑新中国轻卡产业的“三剑客”。为什么这么说呢?中华人民共和国在建国初期的发展与前苏联的援助是分不开的,汽车工业也一样。上个世纪50年代,当时的南京汽车制配厂(跃进公司的前身)从前苏联引进“嘎斯”汽油轻卡车型,并在1958年正式下线。国产化的“嘎斯”——跃进牌轻卡的出现,首次改变了新中国载货车行业“缺轻”的状况,并在此后近20年的时间里,成为中国大吨位轻卡产品的代名词。 Speaking of China’s light truck, they have to mention “GAZ”, Beijing 130 and Isuzu, these three brands in different historical periods, flowering everywhere, even if can not say that the people of Fukuzawa, it is enough for China Light Truck The development of the industry “spared no efforts”. Others have dubbed it the “Three Musketeers” that support the new light truck industry in China. Why did you say that? The development of the People’s Republic of China in the early days of the founding of New China was inseparable from the aid of the former Soviet Union, and the same was true of the automobile industry. In the 1950s, the Nanjing Auto Parts Factory (the predecessor of Yuejin Company) introduced the “GAZ” gasoline light truck model from the former Soviet Union and formally went offline in 1958. The emergence of the locally-made “GAZ” - Yuejin light truck changed the “shortage” status of the new truck industry in China for the first time and became synonymous with the large tonnage of light truck products in China for the next 20 years or so.
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