
来源 :安徽预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdasheng
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目的为解合肥地区中小学生体质健康状况,为判定保健措施提供依据。方法利用2005年合肥市学生体质健康调研资料,对城乡男女学生形态、机能及运动素质指标、性发育和视力、龋齿、血红蛋白检测结果进行分析,并与2000年同期资料比较。结果2005年合肥地区7~18岁城乡男女生身高、体重、胸围、肺活量四项指标均有随年龄增大而增加趋势,且均较2000年有所不同程度增长。男女生身高增长曲线出现两次交叉,体重、胸围两项指标无交叉现象。视力健康状况较2000年下降,而低血红蛋白和龋齿的检出率均较2000年降低。男女生各素质指标较2000年总体呈现下降趋势。结论合肥地区学生身体形态、机能、素质和健康指标城乡差异仍然存在,形态指标及性发育提示存在有了生长仅长期变化趋势。学生视力健康和运动素质状况急需改善。 Objective To understand the health status of primary and secondary school students in Hefei and provide the basis for judging the health care measures. Methods According to the survey data of physical health of students in Hefei in 2005, the results of male and female students in urban and rural areas were analyzed. The results were compared with the data of the same period of 2000. Results In 2005, the height, weight, chest circumference and vital capacity of boys and girls aged 7-18 years in Hefei were all increasing with age, and all of them increased more than that of 2000. There was no crossover between the two indicators of body weight and chest circumference in the cross of height growth of boys and girls. The visual acuity decreased from 2000, while the detection rate of low hemoglobin and dental caries was lower than that in 2000. The overall quality indicators of boys and girls showed a downward trend compared with 2000. Conclusion Differences between urban and rural areas in body shape, function, quality and health indicators of students in Hefei still exist. The morphological indicators and sexual development suggest that there is only a long-term growth trend in growth. Students’ vision health and sports quality are badly in need of improvement.
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