
来源 :甘肃农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmaster
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玉米丝黑穗病在我省春玉米区普遍发生,但就目前而言,陇东地区还处于发病率5%以下的轻病和零星病区,而在这两类病区,病株拔除是控制玉米丝黑穗病危害的重要措施之一,识别病株并掌握症状出现的规律又是病株拔除成败的关键。本文就玉米丝黑穗病成株期症状特点及病株拔除措施的应用提出一些初步意见。一、玉米丝黑穗病的症状观察 Corn smut commonly occurs in the spring maize area of ​​our province, but for the moment, the eastern part of Gansu is still at the incidence of less than 5% of the mild and sporadic wards. In both types of wards, the diseased ones are One of the important measures to control maize head smut is to identify the diseased plants and to grasp the regularity of symptom appearance. In this paper, some preliminary observations on the characteristics of adult corn stinkblown disease symptoms and the application of diseased plants were given. First, corn smut symptoms observed
本文为1951~1960年在福州附近31种蔬菜作物上发生的136种病害名录,其中在我省至今仍是新记载的病害在中文病害名称前有“△”作标记。 This article is a list of 136 diseas
美国香脂冷杉[Abies fraseri(pursh)poir]及东部的美国五针松(Pinus strobus L.)是生长在北卡罗来纳州西部受欢迎的作为圣诞树销售的针叶树。由phytophthora cinnamamiRands
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