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第二炮兵政治部文工团踏踏实实贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,紧扣面向基层、为兵服务这一宗旨,伴着导弹部队现代化建设跨越式发展的步伐,鸣奏出回归士兵、服务基层的军旅艺术强音。二炮文工团成立迄今,始终将为兵服务视作立身之本,作为各项工作的出发点,经年累月钻深山、越戈壁、爬哨所、到阵地,足迹遍及二炮所属部队的座座军营,享有深山戈壁“文艺轻骑兵”的美誉。进入21世纪后,部队现代化建设日新月异,文艺战线如何高擎“三个代表”旗帜,弘扬先进文化?如何促进高科技部队精神文明建设?是 The Artillery Corps of the Second Artillery Corps's Political Department Takes Part to Practically Implementing the Important Thought of Three Represents and Tugging for the Purpose of Serving the Grassroots and Serving the Armed Forces By Striving to Leap Back to the Soldiers With the Leap-forward Development of the Modernization of the Missile Troops, Service grassroots military strong sound art. Since the founding of the Second Artillery Corps until now, the military service has always been regarded as a solid foundation for the work. As the starting point of all work, the Second Artillery Corps has drilled mountains, valleys and climbing posts over the years and has traveled to the seat of the garrison of the Second Artillery Corps and enjoys deep mountains Gobi “literary light cavalry ” reputation. After entering the 21st century, the modernization of the armed forces is changing with each passing day. How can the cultural and art front elevate the banner of “three represents?” And carry forward the advanced culture? How to promote the spiritual civilization of high-tech troops?
十一月二十四日清晨,美国核潜艇“海龙号”在日本人民的一片抗议怒吼声中,闯进了日本的佐世保港口。这是美国核潜艇第五次闯进日本港口,是美帝国主义对日本人 On the early
备受关注的海南省洋浦经济开发区规划局原副局长肖明辉受贿千万元一案,近日在海南省第二中级人民法院开庭审理。  肖明辉是清华大学硕士研究生,6年前从外地引进来琼。曾因工作成绩突出,被授予“洋浦十大杰出青年”和“海南青年五四奖章”。  短短两年时间,肖明辉就坐上了洋浦经济开发区规划建设土地局副局长的位子。就是这样一位被大家认为“前途不可限量”的“80后”年轻人,却因涉嫌受贿上千万元被逮捕。  经海南省人
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WITH its blue sky and sea, green trees and crimson flowers, the Hainan Special Economic Zone is a vital, picturesque place. Located near the Jinpan Industrial