
来源 :植物保护 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caodahai
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1990年和1991年5月份,在保定郊区调查条锈病的病情时,发现一种约2mm的红色小虫,以小麦条锈菌的夏孢子为食。经其取食,锈菌病斑由鲜黄变成枯黄。幼虫在叶片正面主脉附近结茧化蛹,竖向排列,也有少数茧分散在叶的其它部位。 经河北农业大学植保系季正端教授初步鉴定到属是瘿蚊科的Mycophila sp.种名尚未确定,暂称食菌瘿蚊。 1990年5月初,发现食菌瘿蚊的数量越来越多时,结合对条锈病病情的记载对其数量进行了调查。从5月12日开始,每隔4—5 In 1990 and May 1991, in the suburbs of Baoding in the investigation of the condition of stripe rust, a red insect of about 2 mm was found, feeding on the summer spores of the wheat stripe rust. After its feeding, rust spots change from yellow to yellow. Larvae cocoon pupation in the main vein near the front of the leaf blade, vertical arrangement, but also a few cocoon scattered in other parts of the leaf. Professor Ji Zhengdu from Plant Protection Department of Hebei Agricultural University initially identified that Mycophila sp. Is a species of Mycophila sp. In early May 1990, when the number of mosquitoes was found to be increasing, the number of stripe rust diseases was investigated in connection with its record. Starting from May 12, every 4-5
Tree Bark and Fish-Skin Costumes in Joint Ethnic Display“Woven by Nature Itself:Exhibition of Li Ethnic Group Bark Costumes and Hezhe Ethnic Group Fish-skin Co
目的观察并研究通过化疗治疗颌面部非霍奇金淋巴瘤的疗效。方法 33例颌面部非霍奇金淋巴瘤首诊患者,给予以化疗为主的综合治疗,采用COP、CHOP方案为主的规范性治疗方案,观察
●解热镇痛药:此类药物如阿司匹林、对乙酰氨基酚、布洛芬、消炎痛、保泰松等均会引起中毒性肝损害。若每日使用阿司匹林超过5克或每日使用对乙酰氨基酚超过2克,都易引起急性肝损害。  ●抗生素:此类药物如大环内酯类药物、磺胺类药物、氯霉素、苯唑青霉素、制霉菌素、氯林可霉素、四环素、酮康唑、无味红霉素等均可引起明显的肝损害。在使用苯唑青霉素时若用量过大,用药5天即可发生中毒性肝炎。  ●治疗消化系统疾病的药
随着食用菌生产的发展,菌种的需求量越来越大,对菌种的要求越来越高。经过5年多的生产试验,我们筛选出了一种较理想的原 With the development of edible fungus productio
本文采用生物毒力和酶活力测定法,研究了棉红铃虫(Pectino phora gossypiella Saunders)雌雄幼虫的耐药性差异及其代谢机制。结果表明,安庆种群的耐药性具有明显的性别差异,
调查结果表明,用常用的喷雾方法在苹果园喷施昆虫病原线虫 S.carpocapsae Agrio-tos 品系防治桃小食心虫,喷雾不够均匀,在一定程度上影响了线虫的寄生率。线虫在苹果园的土壤
目的探讨人参皂甙RH2(G-RH2)对人肺腺癌A549细胞凋亡的影响。方法分析G-RH2对A549细胞周期及细胞凋亡的影响,并检测G-RH2对A549细胞相关基因表达的影响。结果 0~60μmol的G-R
1.公鸡治腰痛法。将刚学会啼叫的公鸡宰杀后加油炒,放500克米醋,不加水,焖至剩小半杯醋时起锅,加少许红糖。1只鸡在1日内分3次服食, 1. Cock governance back pain method.
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Besides(-)-epicatechin,epicatechin-(4β-8 )-epicatechin(procyanidin B2),epicatechin-(4β-6 )-epicatechin (procyanidin B5),epicatechin-(4β-8,2β-O-7)-epicatechi