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群众工作、群众路线是我们党进行革命建设改革的主线。新形势下,党的群众工作出现许多新的特点,在群众基础,党员构成,思想观念等方面出现许多变化,给做好新形势下群众工作带来很多考验和挑战。因此,进一步密切党群干群关系,必须解决好民生问题,以赢得民心;解决好民主问题,以保障利益协调的公正性;强化党和政府的服务功能,提高服务水平;转变工作方式,以多样化的手段满足群众工作需要;转变作风,以清正廉洁的作风赢得民心;建立完善长效机制,促进群众工作制度化规范化长期化。 Mass work and the mass line are the main lines for our party’s reform and revolution in the revolution. Under the new situation, there have been many new characteristics in the party’s mass work. Many changes have taken place in the mass base, in the composition of party members, and in ideological concepts, which have brought many tests and challenges to the mass work in the new situation. Therefore, to further strengthen the relationship between the party and the masses, we must solve the problem of people’s livelihood in order to win popular support. We must solve the problem of democracy in order to safeguard the fairness of the coordination of interests. We should strengthen the service functions of the party and the government and improve the service level. Diversification of means to meet the needs of the masses; change the style of work, win the hearts and minds with a clean and honest style; establish and improve the long-term mechanism to promote the institutionalization and standardization of long-term mass work.
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音响组合之器材搭配中的投资比例,是见仁见智的老话题了,比较多的说法是音箱的投资=(音源+功放)的投资,应该说这句话有对的一面,也有不对的一面。 道听途说也好高手们指点也
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